Monday, November 14, 2005

Composite UI Application Block (C# Version) Released

patterns & practices: Composite UI Application Block: Home

"The Microsoft patterns & practices Smart Client Team is pleased to announce the release of the Composite UI Application Block (C# version) to the Community.

Highlights of the release:

- Tests for Visual Studio Team System and NUnit
- Comprehensive QuickStarts
- Full documentation
- Visual Basic.NET version will be available as published in the release plan ..."

"Are you considering a Smart Client approach to address the challenges of building Line of Business solutions that interact with many backend systems? Ever wondered what would the architecture and design of a complex UI would look like? Do you need to abstract the "plumbing" of such client applications so your business developers can focus their attention on building the business specific components rather than dealing with complex issues like threading, asynchronous requests, etc.? The Composite UI Application Block (CAB) could be a good candidate.

CAB is a guidance asset (an application block) based on .NET 2.0. It’s intended to provide proven practices to build complex UIs based on simpler “parts” (SmartParts as we call them, “WinParts” in other architectures). This is a recurrent pattern implemented in many well known examples. ..."

CAB (C#) has just hit RTM.

I've been looking forward to playing with this...

Related Past Post XRef:
Composite UI Application Block (CAB) Tech Preview 1
A little More Info on Guidance Automation Toolkit (GAT) and the Composite UI Application Block (CAB)

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