Monday, January 09, 2006

"Customizing the DataGridView to support expanding/collapsing (ala TreeGridView)"

Mark Rideout's Blog : Customizing the DataGridView to support expanding/collapsing (ala TreeGridView)

"One of the first things that I wanted to customize with the DataGridView is to make it support hierarchical data

If you read my first blog post you'll find out that I'm not a developer (anymore). Even though I'm not a developer I still like to take features and customize them to do something really cool. As far as the DataGridView goes, customizing it to support hierarchical data is a much larger task since the structure of the DGV doesn't lend itself to having different column sets, so, I decided I'd settled for a tree like structure.

Think of a TreeView combined with a ListView and that is basically what I wanted to go with.


This is a cool post and code example on extending the DataGridView to support treeview like functionality (C#)...

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