Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Team Foundation Server MSSCCI Provider 1.2 Released

"Last night we released version 1.2 of the Team Foundation Server MSSCCI Provider.  This tool enables a wide range of IDEs to access TFS.  It is available for download here and is for use by anyone who owns a Team Foundation Server Client Access License CAL either by purchasing a VSTS role product (e.g. Visual Studio Team System for Developers) or by purchasing a CAL directly.

The enhancements in this latest release include:

  • Enable handling branched solutions in Visual Studio 2003.

  • Fixed issues to enable provider to support TOAD for SQL Server 2.0.

  • Enhanced the "Choose Folder in Team Foundation Server" dialog.

  • Fixed bug which prevented Properties Dialog from displaying local path.

  • Work Items Query list in the Checkin Dialog is loaded and saved on the disk.

  • "Get" operation performance improvements.

  • Miscellaneous bug fixes

The biggest improvement is in the area of branched projects.  The experience is still not perfect but it is dramatically better than it was...."

This week I'm migrating more projects to TFS, some of which are VB6 & VS2003 based.

I've been debating on if I should bug/work item track in TFS, but leave the code in SourceSafe.

This update doesn't help (i.e. it provides more weight on moving the code to TFS... keeping me from being lazy and leaving it in SS... sigh)

Well once I get the defects over, I can then decide about the code...

Related Past Post XRef:
Visual Studio TFS MSSCCI Provider Update Released
Visual Studio Team Foundation Server MSSCCI Provider RTM
I SO Love the power of the search.... "Team Foundation" menu doesn’t appear in VB6 (Fixed)

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