Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Orcas WinForm Additions

Bill Evjen's Blog - Windows Forms Additions in the Next Version of .NET

"Talking with Microsoft, I learned of some of the additions they are making for .NET Orcas (due at the end of this year)...Some of the highly touted items that are being added to Windows Forms are a lot of WPF interoperability items. This was announced at last year's TechEd, but the idea is that you will be able to host WPF controls directly inside of a Windows Forms application. You will also be able to do the reverse. ...


Getting rid of the "White Screen of Darn"


The Visual Basic group is shipping some additional controls, such as a Repeater and Line/Shape control , but since this is .NET, you will be able to grab the DLL and use it in your C# project if you so wish. This will probably be released as some kind of VB toolkit instead of being included in the actual framework. ..."

That last one made me chuckle. Such as simple thing...

I hate coding GUI lines and shapes. This is also a simple thing that could help bring more VB6'ers to VB.Net. Yeah I know, it's a little thing, but when all you need is a simple line it becomes a big thing.

Check out Bill's post for the rest of the scoop (like the Vista stuff, etc)...

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