Thursday, May 12, 2005

Bob Powell's GDI+ FAQ

Bob Powell's GDI+ FAQ

"GDI+ is the graphics system most often associated with Windows Forms and is a more modern replacement for GDI. This frequently asked questions list contains articles and code that will help you to understand the ins and outs of GDI+.

To get the best out of the GDI+ FAQ and to ensure that you see new articles as they are published, you are invited to subscribe to the RSS feed that carries news, announcements and information about this resource. The button below has the subscription URL. ..."

I'm going to need this, GDI+ info, soon.

This FAQ also how a RSS feed which is pretty darn cool... (Long live RSS :)


Anonymous said...

Hasn't the GDI+ functionality since been superceded by the System.Drawing tools in VisualStudio.Net? I think in .Net you'd use System.Drawing rather than GDI+.

Greg said...

System.Drawing encapsulates GDI+, making GDI+ easier to use, it still uses GDI+.
"The System.Drawing namespace provides access to GDI+ basic graphics functionality. ...Classes such as Rectangle and Point encapsulate GDI+ primitives. ..."

Much/most of this FAQ appears to be .Net focused, using System.Drawing/etc in the samples.