Monday, September 25, 2006

WLW Text Template v1.2 Beta Released to GotDotNet

I've released v1.2 beta to GotDotNet for your downloading and such...

Download (as download link, just updated file)

In this version/zip is the VB.Net source, manual setup instructions and new to this release, a "normal" setup (i.e. setup.exe and an MSI).

Nothing much has changed since 1.2 Preview Post, but to keep you from having to click over, I've included the feature list and screenshots below.

Due to the release delay when posting to GotDotNet (and because I want to play there), I'm in the process of getting this into a CodePlex project. I'll update the GotDotNet Sample with stable releases in the future, but the CodePlex project will be the one stop shop for this Plugin (applied this weekend, so it should be up "real soon" ...)

v1.2 Feature List:

  • Replacement of the listbox on the Select Template dialog with a grid, which allows sorting, filtering, etc of Templates.
  • Added Categories to Text Templates, which allow for cooler sorting and filtering
  • Added Icons to Text Templates, which let you associate an icon with a given template making it easier to identify and select a given template
  • Added a Preview feature to the Add and Select dialogs, which let you see your inserted HTML in its full HTML glory.
  • Added Filtering to Select Template dialog
  • Added a Setup.


Here's a preview of the new Select dialog. Much prettier isn't it?

The updated Add dialog, showing off the Category feature.

Selecting an Icon for your new Template...

A preview of your new Template

The Categories are "smart" in that if you type in a new, non-existing category you'll be asked if you want to add it to your list (so you can use it again in the future)

The newly added Template

Showing off the sorting... Like most features of this plugin, the sort column and direction is remembered between sessions, so if you like to sort by Category, the next time you Select a Template the grid will already be sorted.

The Filter works much the sample way. The last entered Title and Category used to Filter will auto-magically filled in for you, but will not be applied...

The Filter feature is one that might change based on your feedback. For example, after you have "Apply" a filter, as soon as you type in the Title field or select a new Category, the filter is cleared. I thought this a less confusing operation, but you may tell me otherwise...

Also I'm thinking about real time filtering, i.e. doing away with the Apply button and as you type, auto-magically apply the filter. I didn't do that this round as I was worried about performance for those with a large number of templates.

This current version works quite well with over 1,000 templates...  ;)


Please let me know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions!

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