Tuesday, January 22, 2008

You're just 20 minutes away from your first VS2008 Addin... (VB & C#)

Quan To's Visual Studio Extensibility blog - Building your own Visual Studio Source Code Outliner extension

"I’ll be giving my first Visual Studio Extensibility talk at the Seattle Code Camp on January 27, 2008.

My introduction to Visual Studio talk will be a 15 to 20 minute demo on how to build a real VS Tool Window. I plan on creating a smaller version of the Source Code Outliner that’s available on http://codeplex. The Source Code Outliner version I’m creating will show a tree view of the functions and classes in a .NET source file. When you double click on a node in the tree view, it’ll highlight the function or class name and take you to that line of code. A status message will also appear in the output window.

The VB code for this demo was provided by Aaron Marten, one of the developers on the Visual Studio Extensibility team. He gave the same demo at DevTeach in Vancouver late last year. I’ve ported the VB code to C# and will include the C# snippets in this blog. However, the demo itself (and this blog) will be VB focused.

This blog post is going to walk you through step by step on how to build the add-in. I plan on using this as a reference for anyone attending the Seattle Code Camp that wants to try and build this themselves.


  1. Install Visual Studio 2008. If you don’t have a copy, you can download the trial edition from here
  2. Install the Visual Studio 2008 SDK from here


This is a cool walk through, getting you up and coding a VS2008 Addin/tool window in no time...

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