Sunday, June 07, 2009

CLR 4 Team videos and a little Inproc SxS thrown in for taste

Maíra Wenzel's Blog - CLR Videos on Channel 9

“The CLR team is posting a series of Channel 9 videos mainly about the new CLR 4 features.

You can access all the videos posted, by clicking here.

This is the list of videos published so far:

You can download the Channel 9 videos in different formats so that you can even watch them at your Zune or IPod.



Speaking of In-Process Side-by-Side (Inproc SxS), CLR Team Blog - In-Process Side by Side (Part1)

“One of the new features in CLR 4 is In-Process Side-by-side (Inproc SxS) – a feature that lets you use multiple versions of .NET in the same process. For applications that use add-ins (particularly COM add-ins), in-proc SxS lets us provide a level of compatibility never before possible. If you write applications that use an add-in model (for Office or other hosts), you’ll want to understand the details of in-proc SxS, so that you can make use of the new hosting APIs that provide this compatibility. If you are thinking about using .NET 4, but worried about the impact of installing .NET 4 on end user machines, then you’ll want at least a high level understanding of in-proc SxS – it’s the feature that makes installing a new version of .NET less impactful than ever before. Finally, even if none of the above apply to you, you still might find this interesting – it’s probably the most complex change to the CLR in .NET 4.

This is a multi-part series dedicated to in-proc side-by-side, how it works, and all it’s nitty-gritty details.

What is In-Process Side by Side?



It’s been a long time since we got a new CLR, and given the depth of features CLR4 will have, it’s not too early to start getting up to speed on it…

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