Wednesday, October 07, 2009

“We are not worthy… We are not…” – The Gu-ru and you

Craig Shoemaker - 15 Desktop Backgrounds to Support .NET Development (and pay homage to the Gu)

“This weekend was one of those times I just couldn't get “that thing” out of my head. After a short conversation on Twitter earlier in the week about desktop backgrounds I kept thinking about how much fun it would be to just sit down and do some design work.

The rubber hit the road after being inspired by the Smashing Magazine’s themed desktop wallpapers. Then it hit me - how about a series of desktop wallpapers themed toward the .NET developer – and who better to represent the community than ScottGu!

So, with all apologies to Mr. Guthrie here are my backgrounds for your pleasure:

15 Desktop Backgrounds to Support NET Development (and pay homage to the Gu) - Craig Shoemaker


This killed me when I saw it yesterday. Note that Craig also created a Windows 7 Theme with these!  LOL

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