Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Extra .Net 4 Parallel Extension goodness in the Parallel Extension Samples, with RTM updates and a few new Projects

Dr. Dobb's and Intel Go Parallel Programming - .NET 4 Parallel Extensions Also Have Powerful Extras


.NET Framework 4 includes the new Parallel Extensions. They offer the new task-based programming model, PLINQ (short for "Parallel Language Integrated Query") and many other features to tackle the multicore and manycore revolution.

Parallel Extensions Extras is a complementary project that isn't part of the .NET 4 classes but it has been developed by Microsoft. As these extras include the source code, you can also tailor them for your specific needs. The extras are a bit hidden because they are included in one of the projects within the Parallel Extension Samples. The direct link to download its recently updated latest version is http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/ParExtSamples/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=4179. So, if you download these samples for parallel programming with .NET 4, you can find and inspect the "ParallelExtensionExtras" project that contains all the extras organized in many folders, as in the next picture that displays the contents for this project in Visual Studio 2010 Solution Explorer.

image …”

I’ve blogged about this project before, but the above article prompted me to check it out again. Looks like it’s been updated for the .Net RTM and new projects have been added… :)

image image


Related Past Post XRef:
“Samples for Parallel Programming with the .NET Framework 4” gets some VB love…

[Insert Three Hour Tour and/or TPL Report Joke Here] - “A Tour of Various TPL Options” – 28 page free ebook about parallel programming options in .Net via the Task Parallel Library (TPL)
TPL (That is, Task Parallel Library) Article of the Day: “Parent-Child Task Relationships in the .Net Framework 4”
[.Net 4.0]: Get your Parallel Extensions here… All baked in and part of the Core…. Get your Task Parallel Library here…

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