Saturday, October 22, 2005

Blogger Backup with Tortuga Blogger 2.0 .NET Component

Not having a life, I just gave the Open Intelligence Data ™/Tortuga Blogger 2 .Net component that I posted about here, Free Blogger 2.0 .NET Component, a quick try.

The MSI was a simple file copy and appears to be safe. I do need to run reflector on it to confirm there’s nothing bad in there though (said after I’ve already used the component… Dogh!)

Using it is very easy. And it could almost be perfect as a Blogger backup. The only problem is that it can only access your last 100 posts!

Damn, so close. And it’s almost perfect too. The BlogPost.SaveToXml is great. It does seem to have an nbsp issue, so the XML won’t load into IE. But that’s easy enough to solve.

All I need is a way to get my TotalPosts and then a method to get a post by TotalPostIndex. I wonder if this is a problem with the Blogger API and not this component? Time to do more R&D. I’d really rather use the API to backup my blog instead of spidering it…  

Anyway, below is a very quick and dirty VB7.1 code snip that shows how to use Tortuga Blogger 2 .Net component to log into Blogger, get your first blog and download to xml all your recent posts (up to the most recent 100).

    Dim Blogger As New Tortuga.Blogger

    Blogger.LoginName = "Put your Blogger User ID Here"
    Blogger.Password = "Put your Blogger Password Here"

    If Not Blogger.Login Then
    End If

    Dim blog As Tortuga.Blog = Blogger.GetBlogByIndex(0) 'Get 1st blog
    If blog Is Nothing Then
    End If


    Dim RecentPostCount As Integer = blog.NumPosts

    For BlogPostIndex As Integer = 0 To RecentPostCount - 1

      Dim blogpost As Tortuga.BlogPost = blog.GetPost(BlogPostIndex)

      blogpost.SaveToXmlFile("C:\test\" & BlogPostIndex.ToString("000") & ".xml")




MSMQ Queue Message Count in VB6

Today I need to find a simple and easy way to get the number of messages in a private MSMQ Queue on a remote server.

After googling for a while, there seems to be three ways.

  1. MSMQ 3.0 COM Object (via the MSMQManagement and MSMQQueueManagment objects)

  2. WMI

  3. MSMQ Admin API

A. WMI is cool, but I’d rather a more direct method.

B. The MSMQ Admin API is not fun (to say the least) to call directly from VB. A C++ wrapper would really be needed. So this method is tabled for now.

C. MSMQ 3.0 COM is very cool, but requires XP or 2003 (and we’re still on Win2K in production. But we are moving toward XP in the very near future…)

So MSMQ 3.0 COM looks like the only viable method given the time and resources available. And it will give our XP rollout that much more oomph…

Here are come relevant links I found while searching, as well as a VB6 MSMQ 3.0 queue message count sample.

Counting messages in Queue - the .NET version
Counting the number of messages in a queue
How to GET the message count of MSMQ in .NET without Performance Counter?
FILE: MSMQ Local Admin API
MSDN - Message Queuing COM Components

VB6 Sample using MSMQ 3.0 (XP and Win2003)

‘Add Reference to “Microsoft Message Queue 3.0 Object Library”

Private Function GetPrivateQueueMessageCount(sServerName as string, sQueueName as string) as Long

  Dim Mgmt As MSMQManagement
  Set Mgmt = New MSMQ.MSMQManagement
  Mgmt.Init sServerName, ,"DIRECT=OS:" & sServerName & "\PRIVATE$\" & sQueueName
  GetPrivateQueueMessageCount = Mgmt.MessageCount

End Function

Sonny, the Uber-Cat

Do you know what this is?


It’s the IM message my cat just sent… LOL

I had am IM window open, where my son and I were chatting about a homework assignment. Finally got up and walked the 10 feet separating us so I could see just what the heck he was talking about...

As we talked, all of a sudden an IM window popped up with the above message. From me! Wondering what the heck, we ran back to the living room.

Standing on my keyboard, very proudly, was Sonny the IM’ing cat.

I’m just glad he didn’t send an email to someone at work. Damn cat….  ;)

Team Foundation Beta 3 Virtual PC Coming Soon

Buck Hodges : Team Foundation Beta 3 Virtual PC is headed your way

"The beta 2 Virtual PC image was hugely popular. The new Team Foundation beta 3 VPC image is now making its way up to MSDN. So, later today or Monday you'll be able to download and run a single-server and client beta 3. Just make sure you have plenty of RAM since you'll be running everything on one machine (say 2GB+). "

Rock on!

I just checked the MSDN subscription site and didn't see it, so it looks like Monday is the day...

Related Past Post XRef:
MSDN Subscriptions - Visual Studio 2005 Team System Beta 2 VPC

SQL Server 2k5 "SELECT TOP" Bug


"Yes it is true. And this bug has just been discovered by me and confirmed by the Query Optimizer Project Lead (Conor Cunningham) himself, that i have the chance to meet at SQL PASS 2005.

He has been very kind and after I exposed the problem to him, after a little bit of suprise :-), in few days he confirmed that in some circustances SET ROWCOUNT, which is deprecated, is faster than the usually better SELECT TOP.

You can test it yourself, downloading the script right here. I must say that the problem only shows when you need to limit the rows returned by your query while you're sorting over a colum with no index. At least this is my experience. Fortnately this is really an uncommon scenario so the bug is not really a tremendous one, but ouy should better know it since using SET ROWCOUNT under this cirumnstances can speed up your query by more that 3/4 times!

I've been also confirmed that this bug will not be fixed in the forthcoming version of SQL Server 2005 but will be fixed in the first service pack. ..."

An interesting bug.

Given the reported speed impact, this is something I need to look into when we move to SQL 2k5... (Which will be agressive as there are some features in SQL 2k5 that I can use ASAP).

Thursday, October 20, 2005

FrozenTech's LiveCD List

FrozenTech's LiveCD List

298 (at this time) Live OS CD's & DVD's. 98% Linux CD's, with Dos, Windows, BSD and Solaris also in the mix.

What's nice is that each has a summary link as well as download links. Also what's cool is that each has been tagged with the categories it falls into. And the list can be filtered by these categories.

So if you are looking for Forensic (7), Gaming (11), Desktop (138), Development (13), etc, you can easily find them here.

Free Blogger 2.0 .NET Component

Blogger 2.0 .NET Component (free)

"This is a free .NET component that can be used in C# and VB.NET applications, as well as in ASP.NET web sites. It provides a Blogger API for managing blogs at It can create new posts, edit existing posts, delete posts, and download blog posts. ..."

Very cool. And if you like this, you have to check out all the other free tools on the Open Intelligence Data ™ home page.

There are ActiveX and .Net libraries for Movable Type, Yahoo Site Explorer, Technorati, MetaWeblog, RSS, Atom, Social Bookmarking (i.e., plus some more utilities (like a spider, domain info, web search, etc).

So pretty much tons of fun. It looks like a binary distrib only... Since it comes in MSI form only, I'm going to try and find some time to spin up a VPC to check it out first (or most likely I'll be lazy and just install it... sigh)

I wonder how hard it would be to whip up a Blogger backup utility with this? That was my first thought when I saw this. Based on the API docs it looks easy (famous last words).

As I've posted before, I've used htaccess WinHTTrack to download my site in the past. I've also used Acrobat's ability to grab web sites. Using Acrobat this last weekend to grab my entire site took about 40 hours and ended up with a 6K+ page PDF. I've pretty much hit the wall with that method... :

Gee another off time project? Imagine that! :)


Component Workshop Releases Open Source Windows Forms Explorer Bar Control

Component Workshop

"Open Source Windows Forms ExplorerBar Control

Add stylish XP style ExplorerBar's to all you .NET applications.

Make use of FULL XP theme support, including custom theme classes and parts.

Drag and drop support that allows your end users to customize the gui at runtime.

Use any Windows Forms control as an ExplorerBar item allowing you to turn a simple explorerbar into a complex gui.

Download full source code and a sample application here.

NOTE : The download contains a Visual Studio 2003 solution and two VB.NET projects

Component Workshop have made this component free for any purpose and therefore take no responsibility for is usage or support, however community support if offered through the company forums. "

This is kind of cool...

While Explorer bars don't really float my boat, I do have users who do like them. And while there are about a billion of these available, this one is not only free but also OSS.

I think this is a smart approach, that I've also tried to encourage at my work. Release non-competitive advantage work/projects/utilities/code/etc as free or OSS to earn credibility, mind-share and good will.

Getting free stuff is cool. Getting cool free stuff is better. Getting cool free stuff with source is the best...

And guess what? It works...

The next time I need a product like Component Workshop sells, I will think of them early due to the good will they've earned in my mind by releasing this component as OSS...

(via The ServerSide.Net - Component Workshop Releases Open Source ExplorerBar Control

WinFX Sept CTP And Vista 5231

WinFX Sept CTP Will Not Install on Vista 5231 - ANSWER

"The WinFX Sept CTP will not install on 5231 rendering this build of Vista ... Rob Ralyea on the Avalon team that this build doesn't and will not have a matching WinFX version. The great news is that “we have since fixed this problem, so all future Windows Vista public releases will include WinFX with it.” Thank you! "

Thank god.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Coding Slave Author Is Job Hunting... (Or "Maybe I should take a close look at ...")

Coding Slave: The Blog: Q: What do you call a tired, middle aged programmer with an attitude?

"Q: What do you call a tired, middle aged programmer with an attitude?

A: Fired.

Let's cut to the chase. I got fired last week. That's right, the guy that wrote Coding Slave, Mr. 15 Years Experience in the woe and sublime of software development got fired-- ..."


Seeing something like this happen makes me look at my life, profession and behavior...

Double ouch...

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Litigation Support Technical Standards, Free eBook

Free Document Helps Eliminate Issues with Litigation Technical Goods

"San Diego, California (PRWEB) October 17, 2005 -- Author and Litigation Support veteran, Mark Lieb bridges the gap between firm technical needs and vendor product in his free online document, Litigation Support Technical Standards. Located at, the site provides a template of technical specifications for as many types of litigation software as possible along with file naming conventions and network standards.

LSTS is a technical supplement to Litigation Support Department – a book specializing in management of case technology, department operations and firm finance. While LSD provides management strategies, LSTS details the technical specifications needed to generate a consistent product regardless of vendor. There is also a “what not to do” section where errors relating to media labels, load files, transcripts, and general issues are illustrated and discussed. All examples are drawn from real life experiences and can help any firm or vendor avoid unnecessary headaches which delay review, productions and the efforts of litigators, paralegals and the Litigation Support Department technicians. ..."

Kind of interesting... Downloaded the PDF and will take a more detailed when I can.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

What comes after a Petabyte?

Binary Powers of Ten (10)

"1 bit =
1 byte =
1 kilobyte =
1 megabyte =
1 gigabyte =
1 terabyte =
1 petabyte =
1 exabyte =
1 zettabyte =
1 yottabyte =
1 ?1byte =
1 ?2byte =
1 ?3byte = "

Cool... I want a yodabyte hard drive (oh, it's "yottabyte"... ;)

(via digg - Beyond the Petabyte)