Friday, October 20, 2006

VS2005 (C#) PowerShell Cmdlet New Item Template

Scott Hanselman's Computer Zen - PowerShell CMDLET Visual Studio 2005 Item Template

"Jason Scheuerman from my company has created a PowerShell Cmdlet Visual Studio 2005 Template so you can create PowerShell Cmdlets using File|Add New Item.


This could be a cool little time saver if your building your own cmdlet's...  

All I need to do is to convert it to a VB compatible item and I'll be good (looks easily do'able).  ;)

Thursday, October 19, 2006

USPS Web Tools .Net (C#) Wrapper

The Code Project - United States Postal Service Web Tools Wrapper

"I was in need of a library that would integrate the USPS Web Tools into my windows form application. (This library will work in ASP.NET web applications also.) The USPS Web tools are fairly easy to integrate but I wanted to create a reuasable component I could use in future projects. Please keep in mind this is my first Codeproject article so go easy! :)

USPS Web Tools

Before you can use this library you will need to get a USPS Web Tools ID. You can do this by filling out this form. Note: If you are using the USPS Test servers then the data in the examples below are the only data that will work. If you change the address or anything else you will get an error. Once you have tested your application you can request your profile to be updated by USPS to access the production environment, where you can use any appropriate data.


This is a cool looking wrapper for the USPS web tools. Looking up a zip codes, zip to city/state, validating addresses, package tracking, etc.

Windows Workflow Samples

So I was talking about WF samples yesterday?

Well in the new Windows SDK (he successor to the Platform SDK), WindowsSDK - Windows WF Samples, there are a bunch of WF samples, both applications and technology.  (But no Starter Kits...  ;)

Then of course there is the WF stuff on Samples, activities and more. Though while a little dated, they are still pretty cool.
(Also no Starter Kits... so I guess I wasn't totally off base asking for a WF enhanced one?)

So there are samples out there, some from MS and some from the public. I'm sure when WF RTM's we'll see a big up swing in the number available...

Related Past Post XRef:
Windows Workflow - Toy or Not? (Not)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Windows Workflow - Toy or Not? (Not)

InfoQ - Things to know about Windows Workflow Foundation

"Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) is the programming model, engine and tools for quickly building workflow enabled applications.  Harry Peirson, in several blog entries delves into Windows Workflow Foundation, (WF), with “Things I didn’t realize about WF” and “More Stuff I Didn’t Know about WF”.  Paul Andrews also posted ten reasons why WF is not a toy.


As WF get's closer to its release I'm sure will be seeing a number of flame wars on why it sucks/rocks/etc...

Spending 40 hours+ this week at training getting WF.* Inserted into Greg.Brain, I feel it's a very impressive and mature 1.0. I have to wait and implement it in the wild, but right now it feels more like a v2 to v2.5... (This is probably due to the fact that much of the lessons learned in BizTalk orchestration have been applied to WF).

What will help are real world starter kits, examples, code snips, etc. And not just for the gee-wiz stuff like activities, but the workflow to host communication (and host to workflow), service's, etc.

We need to see it in action... Simple and complicated both, but start simple maybe with some thing like a book/music/dvd inventory & collection starter kit with WF built in. WF to manage lending (state machine wf), the adding of new items (sequential wf), etc.

There's a great deal to wrap your head around. For many of us it's going to require some mental gear shifting to "get it." The easy stuff is very easy to get, but the hard stuff is hard...  ;)

Monday, October 16, 2006

SQL Server Hosting Toolkit - Database Publishing Wizard


"I've talked some days ago about the concept of SOA and how this will be a new type of business in the next future (maybe not for all but for many) and today a new sign on this direction comes directly from the SQL Server Architecture Team: they have announced the SQL Server Hosting Toolkit project, a set of tools and services that hosting customers can use with SQL hosters to deploy their databases from their desktop up into the hosted environment. ..."

That sounds interesting... Something to watch at least.