Friday, October 16, 2009

A fan-dev Team Build Property Reference Guide

.NETicated - Team Build Property Reference Guide

“I’ve been working quite a bit with Team Build lately, and overriding properties is a method of customization I’ve found quite useful in certain scenarios. Along the way, I found Aaron Hallberg’s excellent Team Build 2008 Property Reference blog post, but it didn’t show me where the properties were referenced. In fact, there isn’t an easy way to determine where any particular Property is being used or set other than reading through the 1,500 lines in the Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.targets file. I decided to spend a few hours, read through the file myself, and compile a chart of each Property, what Target it is referenced by, and how it is referenced.

image  ”

I dig how people are willing to share their time and effort, for no personal gain or profit. Just to share for the good of it, to pay it forward…

Anyway, I’m not TeamBuild script editing much now, which means when/if I do again I’ll need all the memory/reference help, like this one, that I can get.

You know, if you look closely at this you can see a redhead, blond… (LOL Sorry, watched The Matrix last night…  ;)


Related Past Post XRef:
TFS 2008 (Team Build) Reference Desksheet – Ton’s of TeamBuild Properties, one little sheet…
Ever wondered what a diagram of the TFS 2008 Team Build Process would look like? Wonder no more...

One step toward becoming a Visual Studio Keyboard Shortcut Ninja – ShortcutVisualizer Visual Studio Addin

Visual Studio GalleryShortcutVisualizer

“ShortcutVisualizer, visualize your Visual Studio commands.

Allows you to search for Visual Studio commands on the fly while pressing any or combination of the key modifiers (Shift, Alt, Ctrl).

It provides a way to learn the Visual Studio shortcuts as you code.


I’m not near the VS keyboard ninja that I’d like to be. All to often I’m grabbing the mouse where I know there’s a shortcut but for the life of me I can’t remember what it is…

Once you install it, fire up Visual Studio and press and hold the Shift, Alt, Ctrl (or Shift+Ctrl, etc) keys and the Shortcut Visualizer will list all the shortcuts that match.

It’s a simple addin, but still kind of cool…

Straight from the Windows 7 Resource Kit, PowerShellPack Released - 1.97 billion… (okay 600+, but that’s still allot) of PowerShell scripts to help you “think PowerShell”

MSDN Code GalleryPowerShellPack

“Windows PowerShell Pack contains 10 modules to help supercharge your Windows PowerShell scripting. The PowerShellPack lets you write user interfaces in PowerShell script, manage RSS feeds, schedule operating system tasks, and much more.

The PowerShell Pack is also available as part of the Windows 7 Resource Kit.

About the Windows 7 Resource Kit PowerShell Pack

The Windows 7 Resource Kit PowersShell Pack is a collection of Windows PowerShell scripts included with the Resource Kit. The PowerShell Pack comes in the form of several Windows PowerShell modules, each containing anywhere from 3 to 600 functions.

To get started with the PowerShell pack, run InstallPowerShellPack.cmd from the directory on the CD, open up Windows PowerShell, and run Import-Module PowerShellPack . After you run this command, you will have hundreds of PowerShell scripts loaded to play with.

The Windows 7 Resource Kit PowerShell Pack contains 10 modules to do all sorts of interesting things with PowerShell. Import-Module PowerShellPack actually imports 10 modules for you to use. Here’s a brief overview of each of the modules.

Create rich user interfaces quick and easily from Windows PowerShell. Think HTA, but easy. Over 600 scripts to help you build quick user interfaces

List scheduled tasks, create or delete tasks

Monitor files and folders, check for duplicate files, and check disk space

Supercharge your scripting in the Integrated Scripting Environment with over 35 shortcuts

Explore loaded types, find commands that can work with a type, and explore how you can use PowerShell, DotNet and COM together

Convert, rotate, scale, and crop images and get image metadata

Harness the FeedStore from PowerShell

Get Operating System or Hardware Information

Get the users on a system, check for elevation, and start-processaadministrator

Generates PowerShell scripts, C# code, and P/Invoke

While you might not use all of these modules in every situation, they represent solid families of commands you can use in any PowerShell scripts you like. The examples below should also help you start to “think in PowerShell”. Most of the tasks you will do in Powershell will not use a single command, but will instead combine many commands in one or more pipelines to get the job done. Each step of these pipelines is a rich object, with properties, methods, and events. This set of commands gives you a number of tools for working with some rich objects that were already lying in the operating system, just waiting for you to discover.


One word, cool…

Note: Windows  7 = PowerShell v2.

BTW, When you install this via the MSI from MSDN Code Gallery, the scripts are put into your \My Documents\WindowsPowerShell\ folder


(via Development in a Blink - Introducing the Windows 7 Resource Kit PowerShell Pack)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Microsoft SharedView 1.0 RTM/RTW

Microsoft Downloads - Microsoft SharedView

“Connect with up to 15 people in different locations and get your point across by showing them what's on your screen. Share, review, and update documents with multiple people in real time. A Windows Live ID (Passport, Hotmail, or MSN) is required to start sessions, but not to join sessions. New in version 1.0: we have added a web based join experience to make SharedView even easier.

File Name: SharedView.msi
Version: 8.0.5725.0
Date Published: 10/14/2009
Language: English
Download Size: 3.2 MB


Hold more effective meetings and conference calls
Connect with up to 15 people in different locations and get your point across by showing them what's on your screen.

Work together in real time
Share, review, and update documents with multiple people in real time.

Use when and where you want
SharedView is easy to use, from anywhere, at a moment's notice.

Click here to learn more about the Microsoft SharedView.


ZOMG. Has it really shipped/RTM’ed? Only after being in beta for two years? :p All kidding aside, I’m glad it made it out of beta and wasn’t killed. But I have to wonder about the future of it… (Right? This isn’t a refresh is it but the 1.0 RTM isn’t it? Or did I miss the original RTW/RTM?)

Anyway, installed just fine on Win7 (x86) and the price for this utility is just right.

The EULA made me chuckle (note the “Last updated” date).



Related Past Post XRef:
Microsoft SharedView Beta 2 Released
Microsoft SharedView (fka "Tahiti") Beta Download Available

Sunday, October 11, 2009

A Feed You Should Read #7 – A Continuous Learner’s Weblog, Links

Links, links, links. Links here, links there, links everywhere. From Email, tweets, IM’s, text messages, TV, snail mail, friends, family, coworkers, links from all sides. Sometimes it feels we’re drowning in links.

Yet there are those who are our link lifeguards, providing life preservers, acting as our silent yet thoughtful guides, day in and out.

Today’s feed is from one such person, Steve Pietrek’s and his A Continuous Learner’s Weblog

A Continuous Learner’s WeblogLinks



A Continuous Learner’s Weblog has been going concern for five years now, making it one of the few, the proud, a Five Year survivor. As we all know, blogs come and go, with few passing the test of time. And that’s okay. Blogs have their own lifespan, some exploding into light, shining bright but burning out quickly. While others, maybe not as powerful or “shiny,” have an inner foundational strength that provides for a fuller and more stable existence  [insert star analogy here, or tortoise and hare, or… lol ;]

Anyway, posts are generally not daily, but that’s okay. Heck, that’s the power of feed subscription (I love async attention focusing and direction that feed subscriptions provide… subscribe and forget and you only need to focus when there’s something to actually focus ON! I love that.). And a link blog does not have to be daily to be informational, in some cases it’s even better that it’s not. By not being daily, it acts as a second look at items you might have missed in a more frequently updated blog.

Topics covered are generally in the Microsoft dev/tech space, with general trend toward web dev.

Why do I like this feed and think you might also?

What draws me to this feed is its simplicity. No fuss, no muss, no ad’s, no flowery text (or lame attempts at it like I do ;), simple, short, streamlined and fast.

In the end I think for me it’s the speed in which I can review it. The straight forward layout, streamlined categorization and limited content makes it very fast and easy to scan and read.

Development? Check

.Net? Check

Web Dev? Check

This a feed you should read? Check

[On a related note, if you would like a ton SharePoint/Silverlight links, make sure you check out his other blog at Steve Pietrek – Everything SharePoint]

Snap of the latest post:


Blog Information:

Name: A Continuous Learner’s Weblog
Post Types: Web, .Net, General Development Links