Saturday, February 26, 2005




NDepend analyses .NET assemblies of an application and generates design quality metrics. NDepend allows you to automatically measure the quality of a design in terms of its extensibility, reusability and maintainability to effectively manage and control the assemblies' dependencies of your .NET applications. Moreover, NDepend helps you to get a thorough view of the topology of your application, at component at type and at member level. You can view here a report made by NDepend on itself, and here a report made by NDepend on the NUnit v2.1 application.

14 reasons to use NDepend on your applications Now

NDepend helps you detect which assemblies are potentially painful to maintain (i.e concrete and stable) and which assemblies are potentially useless (i.e abstract and instable).
NDepend provides many metrics, at application level, at assembly level, at type level (LCOM, RFT…) and at IL instruction level (CC, number of instruction).
NDepend detects and yields dependency cycles between your assemblies.
NDepend provides a build order for your assemblies (only if no cycle is detected). This order is also useful when using tools for obfuscation.
NDepend builds the diagram of assemblies’ dependencies.
NDepend enumerates all types that depend on a particular type.
NDepend warns you when an assembly depends on a less stable assembly than itself.
NDepend warns you when the visibility of a type or of a member is not optimal (in the context of the analysed application).
NDepend warns you when a type or a member is not used (in the context of the analysed application).
NDepend is non-intrusive (you don’t have to modify or to recompile your source code to use it).
NDepend is easy to tackle with (it won’t take you more than 10 minutes to tune it to analyse a 50 assemblies application).
NDepend has been optimized for real-world applications (it analyses around 1.000.000 IL instructions per minute).
NDepend stores all its results in some XML files readily exploitable from your build process.
NDepend is free and open source.


Sounds kind of interesting. And I like diagrams ("NDepend builds the diagram of assemblies’ dependencies."). I guess I'm just a visual kind of guy...

(via the always outstanding Larkware - The Daily Grind 565)

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