Tuesday, April 05, 2005

A bird's-eye view [Google Maps with Satellite]

A bird's-eye view

"Have you ever wished you could see what someplace looked like before you got there? A house? A hotel? A freeway exit? We thought you might find it useful, so we've incorporated Keyhole technology into Google Maps and Google Local. Now when you type an address into Google Maps, you can click the 'Satellite' link and see a view of the area. ..."

Pretty cool... These Keyhole satellite pictures are great quality at a high resolution (in most areas). They are also pretty recent, more so than any other that I've come across (I guage this by looking at my neighborhood. Most don't show the damn cluster houses that were built in the field behind us a couple years ago, cutting off our view of the mountains...)

For example, here's why I like Simi. There's a hill on the way into Simi from the east that has a big smiley. You can see it here (zoom in all the way), Simi Smiley. Every time I see that smiley on the hill on the way home I can't help but smile.


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