Friday, April 08, 2005

Power Collections version 1.0 is feature complete

Wintellect - Know How - Resources - Power Collections - Download

"...This version has a two new important classes: MultiDictionary and OrderedMultiDictionary, which map a key to multiple values. I'll post a description of these classes and the design thinking behind them in a subsequent posting.

This version also has a number of smaller changes:

1. The BigList class has been updated with many utility methods, to make it much closer to a replacement for the BCL List class.

2. Most collection classes now have a Comparer property to return the IComparer that the classes was constructed with.

3. Several renamings of methods to be better: AddAll became AddMany, RemoveAll become RemoveMany, SubsetOf became IsSubsetOf (and several similar renamings), AddTyping became TypedAs, RemoveTyping became Untyped, UniqueItems became DistinctItems.

4. The Range, RangeFrom, and RangeTo methods on the ordered collections now take additional boolean parameters indicating whether the endpoints of the range should be treated inclusively or exclusively.

With this drop, Power Collections version 1.0 is feature complete. From now on, I'm not planning to add any new collection types or major new features. Instead, I'm going to polish, fix, and get what is there ready for a final release. ..."

The very cool VS2005/Net 2 collection library PowerCollections is feature complete and available for download. Now all we need is VS2005/.Net 2 Beta 2... :)

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