Thursday, October 06, 2005

PDC05 DVD Set Comming Soon

Michael Swanson's Blog : Working on the PDC05 Post-Show DVD Set

"... We captured four unique data streams in each room: the audio, the PowerPoint presentation, any demos, and video of the speaker(s)...

We had originally planned to expand the 'normal' 2 DVD set to 3 DVDs this time around. But, because of all the content, we've had to increase it to 4 dual-layer 8.5GB DVDs. Each DVD contains a full index, and DVDs are organized by presentation track. You can either drill down by session or perform a keyword search to find exactly what you're after. Or, if you're an uber geek, you can just sit back and watch over 200 sessions back-to-back. That's over 250 hours of content! Wow!

... This is the first time we've included video of the speaker for all sessions, and it really makes for a very engaging experience. ...

So, how do you get all this goodness? That's the best answer of all. If you attended PDC05, it'll be automatically shipped to you when it becomes available (targeting early November). If you'd like to order your own full DVD set to keep handy, visit the order page. Or...drum roll please...we'll be hosting all of this, for free, for anyone, for six full months! Now that's awesome. ..."

Very nice... There were a bunch of sessions I couldn't attend so I was looking forward to this.

Soon I'll be able PDC overload all over again...

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