Thursday, October 06, 2005

Chris Johnson : New improved SharePoint Recycle Bin released!!! (must have)

Chris Johnson : New improved SharePoint Recycle Bin released!!! (must have)

"... So ... the smart guys in MS IT have come up with an alternate way of providing document recovery without going to a SharePoint backup. They have also decided that it is so useful that they are providing it to the world via GotDotNet.

This solution uses an ISAPI filter that sits in front of the WSS ISAPI filter. It watches for requests from users to delete documents. When it sees one, it grabs the document and copies it down to a file share first, then allows WSS to delete the document. This means that when someone rings the helpdesk with a deleted document issue the helpdesk can grab the document from the file share, and either send it to them or put it back in the WSS site for them!

Unfortunately, this does not allow users to restore their own documents ... however it does make the process of recovering a document much simpler. This should significantly improve IT’s ability to meet SLAs or reduce them. Great for IT and great for users.

You can get it here:

- SharePoint Recycle Bin 1.0"

Now that's pretty cool... Sounds like it would be easier to implement, TS and support. I like this approach.

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