Friday, December 09, 2005

Some Bad Personal/Family News...

I found out this week that my grandfather, (aka Pop’s), has Alzheimer’s. My mother-in-law died of complications from Alzheimer’s just a year ago last month. Now this…

Needless to say, this news has kind of taken my breath away.

There’s a chance that it might not Alzheimer’s, but two Dr’s have said it is so far, so…  (Don’t get me started on Dr’s and diagnosing illnesses. Let’s just say I have some strong feelings in this area…)

Alzheimer’s, IMHO, is one of the ugliest diseases around today. There’s no cure and seemingly little hope.

Watching the destruction of the mind of your closest loved ones is hard to describe. You know how some/many die from Alzheimer’s? They “forget” how to swallow. So it’s either force a feeding tube down their throat or let nature take its course and let them starve to death. What’s worse about this is that by this time, due to the nature of the disease, it’s the family who has to make this call…

Been there, done that, and let’s just say making that call really sucks. Big time

My grandfather has a special place in my heart… I spent many a night with him, learning how to play poker with matchsticks, hanging out and listening to his many stories (which if half of them are true, he’s led one hell of a life ;) He was always there for me when I needed help, like when I lost the key to my bike chain and he helped me first hunt for it, then cut the chain. As a kid, he was the silent yet steady bedrock of the family.

He’s been such a fixture in my life that I find it hard to believe he may soon be gone (sigh, soon… This disease can take 5+ years to progress…). He’s lived a good 89 years so far, but I’m still not ready for him to go. Hell the guy still goes to the gym every day. I’d bet he’s currently in better shape than I am!

I’m sorry for posting such a downer on a Friday, but one of the things we’ve learned in being an Alzheimer’s family is that you HAVE to share your feelings. Keeping them in will only make it worse and end up hurting not only yourself, but those around you. Hell, we’re still dealing with the ramifications of my Mother-in-law’s illness…

I love you Pop’s.

We’ll be here as long as you need us…


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear that, Greg. My thoughts are with you and your family.

Greg said...

Thank you...

Anonymous said...

My condolences Greg, to you and your family.