Tuesday, May 09, 2006

SharpEntropy - Maximum Entropy Modeling

The Code Project - Maximum Entropy Modeling Using SharpEntropy

"This article presents a maximum entropy modeling library called SharpEntropy, and discusses its usage, first by way of a simple example of predicting outcomes, and secondly, by presenting a way of splitting English sentences into constituent tokens (useful for natural language processing). Please note that because most of the code is a conversion based on original Java libraries published under the LGPL license, the source code available for download with this article is also released under the LGPL license. This means, it can freely be used in software that is released under any sort of license, but if you make changes to the library itself and those changes are not for your private use, you must release the source code to those changes.

A second article,
Statistical parsing of English sentences, shows how SharpEntropy can be used to perform sophisticated natural language processing tasks. ...

A More Complex Example - Tokenizing English Sentences

The Java MaxEnt library is used by another LGPL-licensed open source Java library, called OpenNLP, which provides a number of natural language processing tools based on maximum entropy models. A C# port of the OpenNLP library is available in my second article, Statistical parsing of English sentences, but to provide a more complex SharpEntropy example, as well as to give a flavor of the OpenNLP code, here is a small application to tokenize English sentences, based on a MaxEnt model created by the Java OpenNLP team.


A possible tool for my NLP toolbox...

Related Past Post XRef:

"Statistical parsing of English sentences"

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