Sunday, June 24, 2007

PowerShell Community Extensions V1.1.1 Released

Windows PowerShell - PowerShell Community Extensions (PSCX) V1.1.1

"Keith Hill reports in his blog HERE , that the PowerShell Community Extensions project has release Version 1.1.1.

If you aren't already turned on to PSCX, this is a good time to start. This is a maintenance release which resolves 30 issues but it also adds 5 new features. I'm going to include their Help topic below so you can get a feel for what it does. I think most people will find something there that will tempt them.

One thing to note, when you dot-source PSCX's profile, it customizes your environment to a pretty extensive degree. If you already have some customizations that you like (like your own prompt), they get overridden. As such, you might want to start out by editing the profile file and running each line by itself and checking its effects and then just comment out those sections that you don't want.


Interested in reading/writing gzip/tar files? Want to Touch a folder or files date/times? Want to send SMTP mail? Stop a terminal services/remote desktop session? All from PowerShell? Then you should check out PSCX.

Check out the above post for a list of cmdlets (or the Codeplex project page) and such that can be found in PSCX.

And best of all? The source is available...

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