Thursday, December 06, 2007

Google Chart API Released

Google Code Blog - Embed charts in webpages with one of our simplest APIs yet

"Today we're launching the Google Chart API, a really simple tool for creating charts and graphs that are perfect for websites.

Let's get straight in with an example. This URL:|World
Creates this image:

That's it - no state, no calls, just send your data in an http request and get a png image graph back. Embed the request in an img tag and you're done. We currently support line charts, bar charts, pie charts, scatter plots, and sparklines.


This is pretty cool. Now I want to write something that needs charting... :)




SL said...

How about a Live Writer plugin ;)

Greg said...

LOL... How did you know what I was thinking? ;)

Actually when I wrote this post creating a .Net wrapper was one of my first thoughts.

My issue was that when playing with it, you need to get the right options for the right chart, etc.

So while this API is pretty easy, a wrapper could make it even easier (easier to remember how to use, easier to get the write combination of options, etc, etc).

Then I thought, well if I had a wrapper, I could then easily create a WLW Plugin to show it off...


Right now I've got a couple personal projects I need to get released first (an update to my Blogger Backup, my WLW Text Template and WLW Picture Post plugins) but yeah... you're reading my mind (such as it is :)