Thursday, April 15, 2010

Changing your target to .Net 4 – What’s changed from .Net 3.5 SP1 and what you can do about it as you move to .Net 4

ISV Developer Community - How to Migrate Your .NET 3.5 App to .NET 4

“Your .NET Framework 3.5 installs side-by-side with .NET Framework 4. So your application will work as expected when your customer installs .NET 4. But when you take your current code from .NET 3.5 and recompile it and target your application for .NET 4 in Visual Studio 2010, you may find some breaking changes.

Migration issues between the .NET Framework version 3.5 Service Pack 1 and the .NET Framework version 4, including fixes, changes for standards compliance and security, and changes based on customer feedback. Most of these changes do not require any programming modifications in your applications. The table provides steps that for you to take too


What's New in the .NET Framework 4 - .NET Framework 4 Migration Issues

“This topic describes migration issues between the .NET Framework version 3.5 Service Pack 1 and the .NET Framework version 4, including fixes, changes for standards compliance and security, and changes based on customer feedback. Most of these changes do not require any programming modifications in your applications. For those that may involve modifications, see the Recommended changes column of the table.

This topic describes notable changes in the following areas:


  • Core

  • Data (ADO.NET)

  • Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)

  • Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)

  • XML

For information about new features, see What's New in the .NET Framework 4.



With the RTM of .Net 4 many developers will start really looking at moving/upgrading their app’s. While there’s many years of life yet in CLR 2 (.Net 2/3/3.5), the goodness that’s in .Net 4 is very appealing and will help us solve a number of our users problems and to make their app lives better.

But it’s an UPGRADE, a migration, a move to a newer CLR. There will be bumps. The more we know about those bumps the faster and easier the migration will be…

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