Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Using .Net Assist's Quick Stopwatch (Think "Stop writing timing code the old way and start using...")

.Net Assist - Quick Stopwatch

Often time you need a quick way to time a function or block of code, in early version of .NET you had to write some cumbersome code that relied on the DateTime object. With the introduction of the Stopwatch (.NET 2.0) things got better but still, it took lots of code to insert a simple timing logic:

Insert Declare, initialize and start statements before the code block to time.
Stop and display results after the code block.

Old way:

      string message = "Calculate 800K square roots";
int roots = 800000;

System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}: {1} (seconds)",
message, sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));

Better way:

      using (QuickStopwatch qsw = new QuickStopwatch(message))

I write that kind of quick and dirty timing/benchmarking code all the time. Seeing this QuickStopwatch approach was one of those "pwop" moments. It just seems so darn logical in hindsight, doesn't it?

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