Sunday, October 12, 2003

Ariadne & Ajay Juneja

Something to watch... Could the start of something very cool? I'm looking forward to the C# implementation...

Ajay Juneja blog

"What exactly IS a Natural Language Dialogue System? (ie basically what the heck is Ariadne?) "

"Ariadne Beta October 2003: released -- NLP for the Masses!"

"Ariadne Overview:
Ariadne is a Natural Language Processing Platform. Ariadne can enable natural language interactions between users and applications through the use of natural-language speech interfaces. Work on Ariadne is also being done to incorporate gesture recognition in the future.
As a platform, Ariadne can interact with other applications (both locally and over a network) through the use of the other applications API in conjunction with a Java or C# (C# support coming in January 2004) interface. Database interfaces currently work with Java and DAO (Data Access Objects) – support for ADO and SQL Server is also scheduled for testing in January 2004."

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