Friday, February 20, 2004 :: View topic - FAQ: Vault for a single user :: View topic - FAQ: Vault for a single user

"As of version 2.0, Vault is available free of charge for use by a single user.

To take advantage of this opportunity, simply download Vault and install it. You do not need to register with us.

You also do not need a serial number of any kind. For licensed installations, Vault requires serial numbers which specify the number of licenses which have been purchased. However, for this so-called "implicit single user edition", no serial number is required. When Vault is installed with no serial numbers at all, it will behave as if there is exactly one user license."

As usual, I like free... Downloaded this and am checking it out.

Now I need VS 2004 so I can easily switch out my Source Control provider... Am using CVS, GotDotNet, VSS and now Vault... :)

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