Thursday, April 08, 2004

Auto-Generating Wrapper Classes for Stored Procedures, Part 1: Using the outspread Tool

Data Access & Storage Home: Auto-Generating Wrapper Classes for Stored Procedures, Part 1: Using the outspread Tool (.NET Development (General) Technical Articles)

"Summary: The AutoSproc tool uses reflection to auto-generate wrapper classes for calling stored procedures. This saves the developer from having to work with ADO.NET classes such as SqlCommand, SqlParameter, SqlDataAdapter, etc. Here, we'll take a look at the salient points of the tool and review how to use it in your application. For more details on the internals of the tool, see the companion article Auto-Generating Wrapper Classes for Stored Procedures, Part 2: The Internals of the AutoSproc Tool. (18 printed pages)


Writing code of this nature can be both tedious and potentially error prone with many developers using a cut and paste solution each time. This kind of repetition leads one to consider alternative approaches based on code generation techniques—in this case, code that automatically generates the wrappers for you based on type information.

This article outlines the usage of a code generation tool, AutoSproc..."

Cool. Been looking at Code Smith for this, but haven't had a real chance to do it in-depth.

Now with this MS function specific utility I might not have too...

So many things to play with, so few threads... :)

UPDATE: Here's Part Two, too

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