Monday, April 05, 2004

Steganography - Hiding messages in the Noise of a Picture

Some interesting links... Not that I need to hide anything, but the concept is pretty cool.

And being in the EDD business this is of professional interest...

The Code Project - Steganography - Hiding messages in the Noise of a Picture
"Hiding all kinds of data in the pixels of bitmaps."

The Code Project - Steganography II - multiple key and carrier files
"An article about spreading hidden data over many images."

The Code Project - Steganography III - Change only one Bit per Pixel
"An article about hiding each byte of a message bit-by-bit in eight pixels."

The Code Project - Steganography IV - Reading and Writing AVI files
"An article about hiding bytes in the bitmap frames of uncompressed AVI files."

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