Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Whitepaper: Configuring Outlook Profiles by using a PRF File

Whitepaper: Configuring Outlook Profiles by using a PRF File

"Most settings for Microsoft Outlook 2003 and Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 can be efficiently configured, updated, and deployed to users by using standard deployment tools - typically by using the Custom Installation Wizard before installation, and the Custom Maintenance Wizard after installation. Settings can also be captured by using the Office Profile Wizard, which results in an OPS file that can be deployed to users.

However, to modify existing settings or to configure settings that are outside the norm � such as those not included in the wizards - you can create and edit an Outlook profile file (PRF file), and then deploy that to your users by using the installation or maintenance wizards, or by deploying the PRF file by itself. A whitepaper is available for download that describes how to configure new settings by using a PRF file, and how to distribute these new settings to users."

I'm going to have to deploy Outlook 2003 to a number of machines (50+) in the near future, so might need this info...

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