Friday, August 20, 2004

Cool Search Tool:Recall Toolbar

Recall Toolbar
"Recall Toolbar is a better browser history.

Recall Toolbar is a personal search engine that helps you instantly find that needle that you're trying to find again in the haystack of pages you've already visited.

Recall Toolbar creates a local (i.e., on your hard drive) index of pages when you visit them. No information about the pages you visit ever leaves your computer.

Recall Toolbar does for Internet Explorer what Lookout does for Outlook. In fact, Recall Toolbar was inspired by Lookout.

Recall Toolbar contains no spyware."

I live on the Net. I always seem to find myself looking for a past site I saw "xyz" on... "I know I was there sometime... grrr..."

Sounds like this tool will help me. And the price is JUST right. :)

It's toolbar is just one button, which when clicked, opens a local page where you can enter your search terms.

In looking at its communication via Fiddler one thing to note is that even though it's supposed to be local, it does talk to an external web server. The indexed data DOES appear to be local, but...

In looking at the conversation it doesn't look like your search terms are sent off your machine. Just that the UI is external. But if you are paranoid, you might want to look yourself...

Also it appears uses the same search engine that Lookout uses, one based on Lucene.

(via using Stuart.Cogitation;)

Update #1 8/20/2004 3:35PM PST:
I missed this on the FAQ

"Q: Free and no spyware, huh?
A: Yes, really. Here are the details:
If Recall Toolbar takes off then I'd like to add text ads like you see in most search engines. If I do that, then the search results display template, which is downloaded from here when you search, will be updated to pair search terms with an appropriate ad. "

So your search terms DO appear to be leaving your machine... No different than using any other internet search engine... still something to be aware of.

1 comment:

Greg said...

Thanks for the comment Dan... They really help my piece of mind.

LOL.. Glad there's no nefarious purpose here. :)

I hope you/your code/Recall Toolbar gets picked up by a big player. It's a cool tool and worth notice by the them.

Good luck,