Thursday, December 09, 2004

The Code Room

The Code Room

"Inside an intercity warehouse sits a desk, a laptop, and a few partially charged batteries. Three attendees are taken to The Code Room by host Jessi Knapp, following a free developer seminar and asked to complete a complex software challenge. With limited battery power, they must achieve the impossible design and develop an ecommerce website in just a few hours. This professionally produced & directed 30-minute TV show highlights the social, teaming, and technical challenges faced when attempting to complete a software development project of this magnitude."

Are reality shows interesting when its YOUR reality they are broadcasting? I already ready live it, so do I need to see a show about it too?

Not sure, but the trailer looks interesting. :)

Looks like the pilot will be online today, December 9, via MSDN TV.

(via Julia Lerman Blog - Don't Be Iffy... - CodeRoom trailer)

Update #1 12/10/2004 @ 7:04PM PST:
You can view the pilot now...

I'm watching it now, via MSDN TV - The Code Room – Pilot Episode

Wow. It is a very professional production...

Update #2 12/10/2004 @ 7:25PM PST:
As I watch...

What a great way to demo MS tech. There are cut scenes to the pertinent demo's from the MSDN Live event related to what the coderoom developers are doing...

1 comment:

Greg said...


I know what you mean...

I watched with my headphones on and my wife kept getting pissed at me for "commenting" out loud at my PC...

"What??" "Nothing honey..."
"My password?" "No honey... for this one"
"Fugly UI?" "I'l explain later honey..."
