Friday, March 18, 2005

Introducing Custom Entity Classes

ASP.NET Home: On the Way to Mastering ASP.NET: Introducing Custom Entity Classes

"There are situations for which untyped DataSets may not be the best solution for data manipulation. The goal of this guide is to explore an alternative to DataSets: custom entities and collections. ..."

Nice article on using domain objects/custom entities instead of directly using datasets.

It all depends on the project/needs but I like domain objects. My current project is heavily based on domain objects and I've not regreted it.

The one issue that you might have with domain objects is future enhancements. I mean if you hard code an objects properties, what happens if you have to add one? Lots of coding...

While there will always be coding needed (thank god), there are ways to limit that with a flexible design. (I'd like to talk about details but need to check with the powers that be so I don't violate my IP contract... sigh).

Anyway it looks like this article covers the major areas, including lazy loading (something I don't yet do, but will...), concurrency, .Net 2.0, etc.

Adding to my "read in detail" list...

(Via Tom van de Kerkhof's bloggings - Interesting MSDN Article: Introducing Custom Entity Classes)

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