Thursday, June 02, 2005

Reading and Writing XML in .NET Version 2.0 - Part 1 & 2

15 Seconds : Reading and Writing XML in .NET Version 2.0 - Part 1

"...In this series of three articles, we'll look in detail at how the new features of the XmlReader and XmlWriter classes in version 2.0 of the .NET Framework can be used to read and write XML documents, and interact with the new XML document store objects. This includes:

The new 'settings' classes and static Create methods for XmlReader and XmlWriter
Creating and using an XmlReader to read and validate XML documents and fragments
Two of the useful new features of the XmlReader class
Creating and using an XmlWriter to write XML documents and fragments
Some useful new features of the XmlWriter class
How the XmlReader and XmlWriter can be used with the XmlDocument class
Some of the useful new features of the XmlDocument class

Along the way, we'll look into the issues involved in using the new classes, the reasoning behind the changes, and how the new features simplify your code and provide better overall efficiency for your applications. This first article concentrates on the XmlReader class, and how the new XmlReaderSettings class makes it easy to create XmlReader instances with specific properties such as validation and access control for use in your applications. ..."

Also see Part 2 here.

The need for effecient reading and writing, both from a coding and performance point of view, of XML is only going to grow (yeah I know... "Well DUGH Greg..."). Given all the news on Office 12's new file formats, going to grow big time.

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