Wednesday, July 06, 2005

NT/ACL Security Wrapper Classes for .NET

The Code Project - NT Security Classes for .NET - .NET

"This class library allows access to the Win32 security calls in a .NET friendly way. It encapsulates the concepts of a user, a securable object (like a file, named pipe, directory, etc.), and permissions. This library was written in Managed C++ to simplify the amount of work needed to link to existing Win32 libraries. However, since it exposes all of its functionality via .NET, it can be used from any .NET compliant language, including C# and Visual Basic. The project was written and compiled with Visual Studio 2002."

This seems like an interesting project.

There's been times where I've really needed this info and ended up using WMI (which worked pretty good). This seems much more focused and type safe than WMI...

Referenced in this post is a link to a like MS written project, GotDotNet User Sample: ACLs in .NET.

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