Thursday, November 03, 2005

Amazon ECS.Net Library

Amazon Web Services Blog: Amazon ECS.Net Library

"AmazonECS.Net is a free, open source .Net library. The library was used to build the DVDs Universe site.

Classes are provided to represent many ECS search and lookup operations including requests for item details, new releases, browse node children, browse node paths, similar items, top sellers, and the shopping cart. The site also includes demos of each function."

AmazonECS.Net .:. a .net library for the Amazon E-Commerce Service

"AmazonECS.Net is an open-source .net library developed in C# for the Amazon E-Commerce Service. It can be used in any .Net application by any developer who wants to use Amazon's ECS. Built using a simple and clean design, it is very easy to use and implement.

The library can be used in many ways, from a simple item listing in an application or website to a complete high-level ecommerce website including remote shopping cart management. AmazonECS.Net makes it simple to earn money using your Amazon Associates account. It also features a caching engine for all requests to make response times smoother and faster.

Most libraries available for Amazon's ECS are in PHP. AmazonECS.Net is one of the firsts (if not the first) made publicly available for the .Net platform.

The library currently supports the following features:

Access product data (only the US locale is supported)
Request Validation
Caching engine
Search and browse Amazon
Navigate categories
Get detailed item informations
Get latest releases
Get top sellers
Manage a remote shopping cart ..."

Man if you're doing Amazon development in .Net, you just gotta to check this out.

Glad it only comes with a ASP.Net demo. This gives me a chance to learn as I create a WinForm demo... ;)

Related Past Post X-Ref:
Using Amazon Web services to build an app that searches for books, music or movies
ASP.Net Code Sample - ECS Custom Control in VB.Net

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