Sunday, November 06, 2005

Blog Worth - VB Style

Inspired by Jon Galloway’s Let's get the Blog Worth thing out of our system post (and cause I needed a simple example project to kickstart my playing with VB8) I’ve hand converted his C# example to VB.

I made some simple modifications to the code so it could handle OPML with nested outline nodes, such as provided by BlogLines (here’s my blogroll OPML for example), to use StringBuilder and to wrap it into a class.

Besides that it’s straight port.

Now I’m going to embrace and extend it a little… ;)

I really want to have the class return a collection of objects, then use the new data binding to bind the new grid to my objects. Then I can do any sorting, filtering. Or I could stuff the data into a datatable, and use it’s native ability to sort and filter.

Also I want to use the backgroundworker so my UI doesn’t freeze. And for the class to raise events so I can see what’s happening…

And.. and.. and...  LOL. Man, I love coding... :)   

sigh... I've been trying to post my code here in a way that doesn't screw up my Blogger layout, and it's just not happening. I think it's important that I share my work so I'm going to try some other approaches. CodeProject? My MSN Space blog? A MSN Group? GotDotNet? Not really sure, but I would like to post the actual files along with a blurb about it, so I'm thinking CodeProject or GotDotNet...


Anonymous said...

Greg -
Sounds cool! If you're going to put any time into this, I'd recommend you hit the Technorati API directly instead of going through the the Blog Worth link ( All that does is hit the Technorati Cosmos API link and multiply the number of inbound links by $542 or something. The dollar amount is pretty meaningless, whereas the inbound link count actually means something. Also, the Technorati API is supported; who knows how long the Business Opportunities blog will change its format or something?

There's info on the Technorati API here:

And here's a .NET wrapper (C#, sorry):

This is actually kind of related to that stuff we e-mailed back and forth about earlier this year - using links as votes to prioritize our RSS reading.

Greg said...

Using Technorati directly makes good sense. I should have thought of that myself... dogh!

That .Net wrapper is very cool. Working on using it now.

Thanks for the tips.

Greg said...

That Technorati library was easy to add (i.e. I re-implemented your original GetBlogWorth function to hit Technorati instead).

And it worked like a charm! um... until I hit my "Maximum queries per day" limit. LOL

Damn. That's what I get for having such a large blogroll.... :|