Friday, October 28, 2005

Trunk Monkey - Where do I get one? LOL


Hayworth emailed me this link... LOL. These videos killed me. Made me "laugh snort" (I hate when I do that).

Added Trunk Money to my Amazon wish list... ;)

(They took a while to download for me, so if it appears to not play, give it a bit to buffer)

Visual SourceSafe 2005 and Its New Remote Performance Options

While I wait on Team Foundation Server, I’m playing with VSS2005. Also all of our code is hosted in VSS hives, so looking at what VSS 2005 does for me today is natural.

What's New in Visual SourceSafe

A) VSS 2005 is backward compatible with 6.0.
This means hives created and used with 6.0 can be used with VSS 2005, out of the box. I’ve seen this in action as I’ve been using VSS 2005 with our 6.0 hives all morning.

B) VSS 2005 has new “Server” options
One of the things that I hope will help me in the very near future are the new server options now available.

VSS2005 comes with a HTTP proxy AND a “LAN Booster Service”.

While I would never host a VSS hive on an external web site, I’m hoping the HTTP proxy will help VSS performance when I’m VPN’ed into work. Also the Booster sounds like it could help some too.

One thing to note about the HTTP proxy and Booster, is that they are only supported in the VS – VSS Provider/Plug-in.

If we do implement this, this will require some change on my part. Since lessoned learned in MS Delta, I’ve always used the Explorer to manage my projects. When VPN’ed in, even today, the Browser is the only really viable option. But I’ve recently been burned by this approach and would REALLY like to start using the VS VSS  Provider/Plug-in…

How to: Enable the LAN Booster Service for Enhanced Performance
“For the database administrator, this topic explains how to enable the LAN booster service on the server machine to allow increased performance during database access. This optional capability is only available to the SourceSafe LAN plug-in in Visual Studio. …”

How to: Enable the Internet Service for Remote Access
“For the database administrator, this topic explains how to enable the Internet service to enable remote access to a database. This capability is only available to the SourceSafe Internet plug-in for Visual Studio…”

In any case, I’ve kicked of the introduction of VSS2005 for usage by our Dev group, so hopefully I’ll have some good news to report in the near future. We’ll see…

"Why is the Whidbey release numbered 8.0.50727.42"

I know the answer (its 42) : Secret unveiled : Why is the Whidbey release numbered 8.0.50727.42

"The versioning scheme is 8.0.YMMDD.NN and that explains 8.0.50727. The mystery is with the build number .42. There are three top contenders for it, and no prize of guessing the correct one

1. People were so impressed with my blog that they borrowed the number from my blog title

2. Visual Studio 2005 is the answer to the universe. For people who have not read Douglas Adam's, The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, buy a copy and read it.


LOL. Nice...

It's like the day after X-Mas...

Okay, I've waited so long for VS 8 (aka 2005) and now that I finally have it all installed, now what? LOL

The install was smooth and seemed fast. I'm running VS2003 & VS 2005 side by side, and SQL 2000 & SQL 2005 Express (upgrading that to SQL 2005 Dev next) side by side with no problems (so far).

SourceSafe 2005 will not run side by side, BUT it can access 6.0 SS hives, so I felt it was okay to uninstall 6 and replace it with 2005. I've accessed our SS hive with 2005 and no problems so far.

So now that I have all this coolness installed, I have to actually use it all.

It's like the day after X-mas. With so many things to play, it's hard to decide which one to start with...

Thursday, October 27, 2005

SQL Server 2005, Visual Studio 2005 and .NET Framework 2.0 have shipped...

Somasegar's WebLog : Visual Studio 2005 and .NET Framework 2.0 shipped!

"Earlier today, we shipped Visual Studio 2005 and .NET Framework 2.0!

This is by far the best Visual Studio and .NET Framework release that we have ever done. I am very proud to be a part of the team that did a phenomenal job of delivering this fantastic product. I also want to take this opportunity to thank the community and early adopter customers for their incredible help and invaluable contributions in helping us ship the right product.

Later in the day, the final bits will be up on MSDN for our MSDN subscribers around the world to get access to the product. ..."

Euan Garden's BLOG : SQL Server 2005 shipped!

"SQL Server 2005 RTM'd today, it will be available on MSDN in a couple of hours and through other channels in a few weeks. ..."

Rock on...

And guess what? I'm downloading it NOW! Yeah! Come on... come on.... faster, damn it!


Update #1 10/27/2005 @ 10:54am PDT:

I lied. While I can see the ISO images on MSDN, I can't download them ("Error while initiating file transfer. Error Code = 11001.")

Damn it.

Retry... Retry... Retry... Still not working... Retry... Retry...

Update #2 10/27/2005 @ 1:12pm PDT:

Downloading for real now... They've pull the CD images and replaced them with the DVD images. Downloading SQL 2k3 Dev ED DVD, VS 2k5 Developer DVD, Visio for EA 2k5, SS 2k5, and VSTO 2k5. What I don't see are the MSDN Lib CD's. Maybe that's on the VS DVD?

Well we'll see soon enough. The download speeds are outstanding, at the max of my cable modem. Transfer Manager is in flux between 550 and 590 KB/sec. I love my cable modem... :)

Update #3 10/27/2005 @ 7:20pm PDT:

Downloaded, mounted with the XP Virtual CD ROM Control Panel and about to install it.

Besides VS, the VS for Team Developer DVD also contains Visio EA (so I can delete that ISO) and VSS (so I can delete that ISO now too). It also contains MSDN for VS 2005.

Fingers are crossed and here I go...

Simi Valley Sunset

Simi Valley Sunset on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

This is why I like living in Simi...


Have you heard about SoloSub?

Duncan's posted about a cool new feed subscription service called SoloSub. Like him, I've been thinking about adding more RSS/ATOM aggregators widgets. But being lazy I didn't want to have to hunt down all the services, find their Subscription widget pages, etc, etc.

Well SoloSub does all that for you.

"SoloSub allows you to point subscribers to one url (see example), and then your subscriber selects which Feed reader they are using. We hope to eliminate the subscription button clutter found on the web today."

Added to my sidebar...

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

PDC 2005 Session Videos Now Online For Your Streaming Pleasure

Wim Verhaeghen's Blog - PDC 2005 Videos and Hands-On-Labs

"If you were unable to attend the Microsoft Professional Developers Conference 2005, but you want to see and hear for yourself what the PDC05 was all about, you can watch 250 hours of PDC videos online, for free! ..."

Nice... The PDC2k5 sessions are now online. You can stream it, download it or download just the PPT.

I like the new format. Seeing the speaker at the same time as the slides is a very nice touch.

And being able to jump around in the session, not having people behind you talking on their cells and not kicking the back of your chair makes it almost better than being there... ;)

The only minor problem is that when the session kicks into demo mode, you need more than 1024x768 to see it all (and it's a little fuzzy, but still better than if you were in the back row.)

All in all it's very nice...

Related Past Post XRef:
PDC05 DVD Set Coming Soon

Monday, October 24, 2005

"How many users will your Team Foundation Server support?"

bharry's WebLog : How many users will your Team Foundation Server support?

"We're deep into our load testing and server sizing efforts and I thought I'd share with everyone what we are doing and how we are thinking about it.

How big of a server do I need to support my team? Should I use a "single server" or separate Application tier and Data tier configuration? If I double the size of my team, will I need to increase the capacity of my server? We'll provide high level guidelines for a mapping from team size to server configuration but if you want to understand how we do it and replicate it yourself, I'll describe it for you.


Now how did they know I was about to start hunting down hardware for our test TFS server? Gee, those MS guys... ;)

Nice to see for smaller sized groups (<20) all I'll need is one piece of hardware. The question is if I'm ready to fight the whole admin battle to get this server. sigh...

Sunday, October 23, 2005

"Idiot's Guide to Replacing SourceSafe with SubVersion"

Idiot's Guide to Replacing SourceSafe with SubVersion

"My PowerPoint presentation from the DeveloperDeveloperDeveloper! from 22 October 2005 is now available for downloading at

It comes complete with speaker notes containing all the step by step instructions for the demonstrations within the presentation."

You might think that since this is a PPT, that there's no "real" value? Well the note above about Speaker Notes is the key... The Speaker Notes are, as mentioned, step-by-step and appear to be very complete.

If you're interested in using SubVersion with VS, you should check this out...

VMware Player (Free way to run VMware and VPC VM's)

VMware Player

"What is VMware Player?
VMware Player is free software that enables PC users to easily run any virtual machine on a Windows or Linux PC. VMware Player runs virtual machines created by VMware Workstation, GSX Server or ESX Server and also supports Microsoft virtual machines and Symantec LiveState Recovery disk formats. "

Wow, very cool. And nice move by VMware/EMC. What a great way to introduce more people to their VMware product line.

And not only are they giving VMware Player away for free, they are also providing some free, pre-built VM's to download. Red Hat, Novell/Suse, stacks from IBM, Oracle, OSS, etc...

Sure I have VPC installed and use it a bit, but there's a barrier to sharing the VPC images. There are some I'd like to share my images with who don't own VPC... Based on the VMware Player sales lit, I can now have those same people install the free Player with which they can use to access the VPC. Nice end run.

And with a free Player, I expect the number of download-able pre-built VM's to jump dramatically. I'd also bet that most/all OS/stack providers will find themselves strongly encouraged to provide VM's.

MS's counter? Continue the push to build virtualization into the OS. i.e. building VPC++ into Vista. So everyone (or maybe those buying the upper tier Vista SKU's) gets it for free and provides one more reason to upgrade to Vista (or to purchase that upper tier SKU).

Anyway, installing it now...

(via Nauman Leghari's Blog - VMware Player ... for free)

Update #1 10/23/2005 @ 12:55PM PDT:
Installed with no problem (and that's with already having VPC installed). Does require a reboot at the end.

Downloaded the VMware Browser Appliance and it fired right up, including network/internet access. And it's zippy too (but then again I have 2GB of RAM and a new model notebook so I'm sure that helps ;)

FYI, many/most of the other VM's listed require registration with the vendor and are eval versions of the OS.

Also there appears to be a bug in this beta build. I can't get it to open Virtual PC VMC's. And based on the feedback in the forums, I'm not alone... I've RTFM, such as they are, and there's doesn't seem to be anything special I'm supposed to do to open VMC's. I'll keep an eye open and keep playing...