Friday, November 17, 2006

User Agent String Utility version 2 - Tell IE7 To Pretend it's IE6...

Microsoft Downloads - User Agent String Utility version 2

"... Whenever Internet Explorer releases a new major version, Microsoft makes every attempt to coordinate the change with major web site owners so that users who upgrade to the latest version can take advantage of new features available on the upgraded browsing platform. A character string called the “User Agent String” identifies the major version of the browser to web sites so that the sites can offer certain functionality on particular browser versions. In some cases, websites might misidentify a new version of IE as an outdated version, with results ranging from rendering and behavior issues to total rejection of the user. This utility changes certain registry keys on an IE 7.0 installation to allow a user to emulate an IE 6.0 installation as a simple workaround until problematic sites update their code. It also offers users the option to report these problematic sites to Microsoft.


In-house our current (but being slowly replaced with TFS) web based defect tracking system doesn't like IE7.

"Microsoft Internet Explorer : 4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.2; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) is not supported!"


Since it's not likely we're going to upgrade it, I was thinking I was going to have to fallback to a IE6 Virtual Machine to access it... Then I saw Sandi's post about the User Agent String Utility.

Downloaded, installed. When executed/run I can access our defect tracking system!

Rock on...

(via Spyware Sucks - User Agent String Utility Version 2 has been released...)

Related Past Post XRef:
WinXP SP2 IE6 VPC Image

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the really helped in running our defect tracking me a lot of hassel...Thanks!!