Wednesday, December 13, 2006

PDC 2007, October 2-5, Los Angeles

I wonder if I'm going to go this this...

This one should have good coverage of Orcas, VB9, C#3, ADO.Next, etc. Also hopefully some good stuff on all the tech released this year and early next (i.e. Vista and Office 2007, etc).

Since it's local, seems silly not to go, doesn't it?

Let's just hope this year is a little less cursed than the last few (2001, PDC is just a few weeks after 9/11, 2003, huge fires in the LA hills, 2005, city-wide blackout... )

Anyway, check out the PDC site for more details.

(via The Moth - PDC 2007 in Los Angeles on October 2-5)


The Moth said...

Hey Greg... I know as much about the PDC content as you do (i.e. just speculating), but I would be surprised if it had any content on Orcas/vb9/c#3 etc. Usually it looks 2-5 years down the line, not current or round_the_corner technologies... BTW, I hope to be there too :)

Greg said...

That's the way 2001, 2003 were, but I felt 2005 was a little more realistic in that there were quite a few VS2005/vb8/C#2 (and talks about WinFX/.Net3/WF/WCF/etc which shipped just a year after PDC05) content sessions.

I've found that 2-5 years in the MS future is pretty worthless for me. I'm still feeling the burn on all the canceled Vista tech (cough... WinFS... cough...).

If MS wants to be relevant they have to think 1-2 years ahead and DELIVER in that time frame.

Also I was thinking... 10/2007? What a PERFECT time to release Orcas. And PDC would be the perfect place to do it.

Sure I hope and expect MS to talk about their future vision at PDC07. That's what I expect to hear from Mr. Gates at his keynote... And I'd bet there will be talk about the coming SQL Server, Vista follow-on, Office.Next, etc.

But I also hope MS also provides near-future, just released, releasing 2007/2008,etc content too.