Saturday, October 16, 2010

NoReplyAll Outlook Addin - Flips the bit to disable recipients from ReplyAll’ing (and also adds goof checks, like missing attachments, subject’s, etc)

Microsoft Research - NoReplyAll Outlook Add-In

“The primary function is to add a couple of buttons to the Outlook ribbon to prevent people from doing a reply-all to your message, or forwarding it (using a facility built into Outlook & Exchange which is really lightweight compared to using IRM machinery, but which is not exposed in the existing UI). However, it also includes a check for email goofs such as omitting attachments or subject lines.

This works with both Outlook 2007 and Outlook 2010, as long as you're using an Exchange account. I'm afraid that it only works on English Windows/Outlook [GD: emphasis added], but I'm investigating localisation issues.

A number of people have noticed that Outlook & Exchange offer hidden flags that let you specify if people are able to reply-all to or forward your email - for example, Scott Hanselmandescribes a neat little bit of VBA that lets you access them.

However, I wanted to have the current state of those flags reflected in the Outlook ribbon but wasn't able to achieve that with just VBA, so I applied the might of VSTO instead - complete overkill for twiddling two bits, but definitely easy to write and looks quite nice at the end of it all.

When you install this thing, you'll see a couple of extra buttons at the end of the ribbon: No Reply All and No Forward. As the names suggest, clicking on these will prevent recipients of your emails from performing those two actions; [GD: emphasis added] clicking again toggles the relevant option off again.

And just because I could, I added an extra bit of functionality to warn you if you send an email with a blank subject line - since that's built into Outlook 2010 this is only active in Outlook 2007. After doing that, I got a bit carried away and included a detector for missing attachments when you send an email - you can create a list of keywords (such as "attached" and "attachment" - whatever terms you're likely to use) via Outlook's options pages; then, when you send an email containing one of those words, the addin will check to see if there are attachments and warn you if not. Actually, the mechanism is slightly more sophisticated: …”

This SO should be baked into Outlook. I mean doesn’t everyone hate the email storms from department/practice/company-wide emails generate do to Reply All’s? To bad I don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of getting this rolled out to my company and/or actually used… Oh well, it’s always good to have a dream… lol ;)

My install of it went smooth and easy (XP SP3, Outlook 2010)… Now to see if it works. hum… who to email… :p

(via Windows Observer - NoReplyAll Add-in From Microsoft Research Updated)

BOO! For Visual Studio 2010… (Alpha, but still a Boo!’able VS)

Visual Studio Gallery - Visual Studio Boo plugin


LAST UPDATED Friday, October 15, 2010

This is an alpha version with many gaps yet to fill. Here is a list of what you can do:

  • Create new/Open existing projects with Boo as programing language. Included are 2 project templates - Class Library and Console Program
  • Add new files to Boo projects. Included are templates for boo code file and a text file
  • Edit Boo code with standard VS Code Editor
  • Compile/Run/Debug solutions with a mix of Boo and non-Boo projects, including breaking execution, examining the variables, etc.

Here is what is missing and has to be added:

  • No intellisense support of any kind (code completion, quickinfo, etc)
  • Syntax colorization is incomplete and sometimes inaccurate
  • No breakpoint validation
  • ShowAll button in Solution Explorer does nothing
  • No support for Auto window
  • Matching braces is not supported

In other words you can do development, but productivity tools are not there yet. …


Just in time for Halloween! :P

Friday, October 15, 2010

Presenters, five tips to keep from reading your own slides (which I hate when presenters do that…)

Speak Schmeak - Five ways to avoid reading from your slides

“Let's say you're stuck with a canned slide show.

Let's say you have no control over your slides. They're sent to you by the marketing department, they're riddled with bullets, and that's what you have to work with. It's an unfortunate situation, but not impossible to improve.

How can you keep the audience's attention, not get sucked into reading from the slides, and make this presentation your own?

I know that it's frustrating to be handed a slide show and be asked to deliver it when you've had no input into the design or development of the presentation. But you do have options!

Consider it your raw material, the skeleton that you will flesh out with your own words, your own stories, audience interaction and authentic excitement about your topic. You can make even a traditional dreary slide show shine!


I really really (really, really) hate when a presenter reads their slides to you. I mean, um… I can read.. you know. Like Lisa says, your slides are the raw material for your presentation. They are mnemonics for your real presentation. They are a reminder and reference for people after. If your deck is your complete and total presentation, where you’re not adding anything besides what’s on the slides, then please save the time time and aggravation and just email me a link to the deck… m’k? 

BTW, if you are doing, or thinking about doing, presentations, then Lisa’s site is a great resource. Both free and paid, she offers a number of resources, services and coaching. I know when/if I start doing professional presentations, I’m going to look to her for help… Why suffer the bumps and bruises of learning on the job, just-in-time, when you can get a jumpstart from a professional? (At least that’s my thinking… ;)

UNetbootin (aka “Universal Netboot Installer”) - The “almost too easy” bootable Linux USB creation utility (with cool Windows admin/anti-malware/password recovery stuff included too)

IntelliAdmin - Create a bootable flash drive

“I came across an interesting utility called UNetbootin. It allows you to create bootable USB drives for many flavors of linux – but the part that interested me was the additional utilities you could write to a flash drive:


SourceForge - UNetbootin

“UNetbootin allows you to create bootable Live USB drives for Ubuntu, Fedora, and other Linux distributions without burning a CD. It runs on both Windows and Linux. You can either let UNetbootin download one of the many distributions supported out-of-the-box for you, or supply your own Linux .iso file if you've already downloaded one or your preferred distribution isn't on the list.

UNetbootin can also be used to load various system utilities, including:


You had me at F-Secure Rescue CD (and Kaspersky Rescue Disk, NTPasswd, and the fact that I didn’t even have to download a Linux ISO before using it… ;)


Related Past Post XRef:
F-Secure Rescue CD 3.00 Released – Boot to CD, scan your HD for viruses… for free
Tips for migrating a physical computer to a virtual machine (part 4)
Ultimate Boot CD

Thursday, October 14, 2010

“I need an extension to do X… I’ll just code it up quickly…” Wait! Before you go directly to code, check out ExtensionMethod.NET


“ExtensionMethod.NET is a database of C# 3.0 and Visual Basic 2008 extension methods. It contains many user-rated extension methods that will expand your code library immediately.

Extension methods add functionality to existing classes and allow you to expand the .NET framework. This way your favorite functions integrate seamlessly into the framework. For more information about extension methods visit the C# 3.0 and Visual Basic 2008 MSDN Library pages.


A very cool looking site indeed…

(John V. Petersen's Blog - Cool site of the day:

Is this you? “I’m an IT Admin and I’m being told to use this PowerShell thing… What is it… Help!” Here’s a free eBook [reg-ware] just for you, “The Administrator Crash Course: Windows PowerShell v2”

Realtime Nexus - The Administrator Crash Course: Windows PowerShell v2

“By now you've probably gotten the message loud and clear that Windows PowerShell is pretty important; Microsoft is adding it to more and more products, and going forward, the company's plan is to incorporate PowerShell throughout all of its business products as a baseline administrative layer. For windows administrators who are new to PowerShell, Microsoft MVP Don Jones offers a new book entitled The Administrator Crash Course: Windows PowerShell v2. Covering the most crucial elements of PowerShell v2, Don has constructed a set of practical tips and practice exercises that will get you up to speed in a matter of weeks. Each course section is designed to be reviewed in under an hour, so it's a perfect way to quickly learn how to begin using PowerShell v2!


Here’s a snap of the full 41 page PDF;


To many of you it might feel like PowerShell has been out for forever and that everyone is using it already? You, my friend, are likely on the leading edge then… PowerShell is awesome and solves so many problems that it’s hard to imagine a world before it, but inertia is a funny thing. I’d bet that unless you working in a cutting edge workplace that you’d be surprised at the PowerShell usage, or lack there of, in your day to day real IT world.

That’s what drew be to this eBook. At 41 pages it’s very approachable, it’s cheap enough (free ;), broken into easily digestible chunks and is targeted directly at those on the IT side of the house….

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Just how big is Africa, really? (Probably bigger than you thought…)

Good - You Have No Idea How Big Africa Really Is (But This Map Does)


Kind of puts the size of Africa into perspective, doesn’t it? Having driven across the US, from one coast to the other, this infographic really caught my eye.

(via Keith Combs' Blahg - The True Size of Africa)

And for today’s cheatsheet, another String Format sheet for ya…

Blackwasp - .NET Formatting Reference Sheet

“Various native .NET framework types include an overloaded version of the ToString method that accepts a format string. This reference sheet provides a list of standard formats and custom format specifiers for numeric types, DateTimes, GUIDs and enums.

Reference Sheet

This reference sheet contains the available standard format codes and custom format specifiers for several standard .NET framework types. Standard and custom formatting codes are provided for the numeric types, with examples for integers and doubles. The standard and custom formats for DateTime values are included, as are the format options for Globally Unique Identifiers and enumerations. All of these format codes are for use with the ToString method.”

I’ve seen this cheatsheet referenced quite a bit in the last couple days, but I thought it a different enough from than the last one I blogged about, Can’t remember the .Net String Formats? Always seem to have to search for them? Here’s a cheatsheet just for you…, so wanted to capture it for future reference.

Note: All the cheat sheets, searching, etc for this information, leads me to think that Microsoft could really help us all a good bit if they made these magic strings easier to find. Or changed the Intellisense, quick tips, etc. to expose them in some way. Now I don’t want hard-coded enums or anything like but, just a simpler method of discovery and usage. No one can remember all these, and everyone searches for them, so there’s an opportunity here to address a very common pain point…

I wonder if this is something that could be addressed via a VS Extension? Hum….

Here’s some snaps of the PDF;



(via DotNetKicks - .NET Formatting Reference Sheet)


Related Past Post XRef:
Can’t remember the .Net String Formats? Always seem to have to search for them? Here’s a cheatsheet just for you…

100+ SQL Server DBA Myths Debunked, Discussed, Explained, Resolved, etc.

In recovery… Paul S. Randal on SQL Server - T-SQL Tuesday #11: Misconceptions about.... EVERYTHING!!

“Back in April I spent an entire month doing a DBA-Myth-A-Day series once a day which was all about misconceptions. So, rather than repeating some of what I said then, or spilling the beans on some more myths I'll be discussing at PASS and SQL Connections in November, this post will be an uber-list of all the misconceptions I debunked during April - and, boy, there are a lot of them! I keep hearing these myths over and over, from all kinds of people, including SQL MVPs, vendors, and consultants.

These posts explain in detail why the misconception is a misconception and in many cases use a script to prove it as well.

And there you have it - over 100 myths and misconceptions debunked, explained and, in many cases, proven!


Since I play the role of a DBA’s Worse Nightmare during the day (aka a Dev who likes to pretend he’s a pseudo-DBA… ;) I found Paul’s “A SQL Server DBA myth a day” series a huge value.

I’ve been developing against SQL Server since 4.21a (i.e. the first version on Win NT 3.51) and still fall into the Myth pit. I’ll bet money that anyone doing SQL Server stuff will have a few “ah-ha” or “oh…” moments when reading them. If you’re a SQL Server DBA, or just play one on TV, this is must read series of posts…

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

TouchToolkit - Get your multi-touch, multi-device, multi-environment dev on!

Shahed's blog - Introducing TouchToolkit - simplify the multi-touch application development and testing complexities

“I have been developing TouchToolkit for some time now and just released the October community technical preview (CTP) at the codeplex project website. The key features are:

  • A domain-specific language to define custom gestures (e.g. sample gestures)
  • Supports Windows 7/WPF 4.0 Touch API, Microsoft Surface, Silverlight and TUIO


CodePlex - TouchToolkit

Project Description:
A toolkit to simplify the multi-touch application development and testing complexities. It currently supports WPF and Silverlight.


  • A predefined set of common gestures. (i.e. sample gestures)
  • A domain-specific language to define new gestures including multi-step, multi-user, multi-touch scenarios
  • A device independent architecture that allows the application to run on different devices (i.e. Microsoft Surface, SMART Tables, Windows 7 Touch enabled devices)
  • A test framework that allows to write unit tests to validate touch interactions and gesture definitions
  • A record/playback tool for testing & debugging applications as well as simulating multi-user scenarios
  • A visual effects framework to provide consistent visual feedback for touch interactions & gestures

Where to go next!


TouchToolkit - TouchToolkit Oct CTP


Released: Oct 10 2010
Updated: Oct 10 2010
Dev status: Alpha

TouchToolkit Oct CTP
application, 10408K, uploaded Sun….

Release Notes

Some of the previous templates have been renamed in this release. We recommend that you uninstall any previous TouchToolkit templates before installing this version. Instructions to uninstall visual studio templates can be found here.
This release includes the following features:

  • Project templates for Silverlight, Microsoft Surface, Windows 7 Touch and TUIO based application
  • Option to create new primitive conditions and return types (new)
  • Unit test support for gestures

The download package contains a Visual Studio 2010 template installer [GD: Emphasis added… Yep it’s a vsix which I think it kind of cool]. The template contains the necessary files you need to start developing applications using TouchToolkit.


TouchToolkit - List of Predefined Gestures


This seems like a pretty cool project…

Ever since I got a touch system (my PDC09 Acer 1420p) I’ve been playing a little with touch development. This project looks to make that a good bit easier…

See, and use in your development, the Magic behind Windows Phone 7’s Person Hub, Activity Streams

Windows Live For Developers - Windows Phone People Hub Powered by Activity Streams

“As you may have heard, Microsoft made a major announcement about Windows Phone 7 this morning. On the Inside Windows Live blog, my colleague Chris Jones wrote about some of the many places where Windows Phone integrates with Windows Live:

Here on our Windows Live for Developers, I’m excited to let you know that the Windows Live activities on the “People Hub” of Windows Phone 7 are powered by Activity Streams. Yes, the same Atom Activity Extensions format that I wrote about in August are powering the “what’s new” view on the Windows Phone 7 “People Hub.”

If you’d like to learn more about Activity Streams, visit, and if you’d like to join the Windows Phone 7 team in developing with the Windows Live Activity Streams API’s, check-out this blog post [GD: Yes, that link is borked] and Thanks very much--


Seeing some of the magic behind Windows Phone 7, and showing me how I can use it in my apps, is cool in my book…

Presenting with Live Meeting Tips and Tricks (Think “12 minutes toward Live Meeting Mastery”)

Microsoft Online Services Team Blog - Live Meeting Features and Capabilities

“As an experienced Live Meeting presenter, Brett Hill of Advaiya Inc. walks you through the features used to produce a real-time Live Meeting event.  Topics are focused on practical tips and tricks including the following:

  • How to create a poll slide
  • How attendees can get your attention even without voice
  • Private chat with presenters
  • The Q&A feature
  • Screen sharing
  • Handouts
  • Annotations
  • And more… 


Lets say you’ve just had Microsoft Communication Server 2007 R2 rolled out at your company. Now you can start using Live Meeting for your internal meetings, presentations and such. You might of attended about a billion webcasts that used Live Meeting, but now you are in the driver’s seat. Just how do you use this thing?

This video is just for me you...

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Road to Know Where Ultimate List URL’s Updated

The Road to Know Where - Ultimate Lists of Microsoft’s FREE Office & Windows Software for Download

“I’m still sorting through all of the changes from moving my blog from Windows Live Spaces to WordPress — but I know people are looking for these old “Road to Know Where” articles, so I’m listing some of them here for your convenience.


Blake and his blog The Road To Know Where, a victim beneficiary of the Live Spaces to WordPress migration, has posted the direct URL’s to his must read and have bookmarked, Ultimate Lists… If you’re looking for free software and resources his Lists should be one of your first stops.


Related Past Post XRef:
Blake Handler presents another “Ultimate” list - “Ultimate List of Free Windows Phone 7 Software & Resources from Microsoft”

A Feed You Should Read #11 – The Road to Know Where

Windows Ribbon for WinForms v2.5 Released - Event handling reworked

Arik Poznanski's Blog - Windows Ribbon for WinForms v2.5 Released – New Events Mechanism

“The Windows Ribbon for WinForms is a managed wrapper around Windows Ribbon Framework, a free ribbon control that Microsoft provides in Windows 7 and Vista.
More details on this project can be found in the project site: .

I’ve just released another update to the project.

Note: this release contains breaking changes, only take it if you are starting a new project, or you don’t mind the needed updates to your code.

Basically I’ve changed how events are exposed in the library, made it a little more .NET friendly.

The benefits of these changes are:

  • You now get the control which generated the event as the sender of the event.
    For example, this allows registering the same callback function to different buttons and have the ability to know which button raised the event.
  • You can now use the Windows Ribbon for WinForms library in languages that can work only with proper .NET event handlers. The first request for this feature was from someone who wanted to use it in Progress ABL… There is a world beyond C#, C++ and VB.NET…


The new event signatures are much more “.Net” like… I like that.


Related Past Post XRef:
Windows Ribbon for WinForms v2.1 – Now with Visual Basic samples and number of new series entries too
Windows 7 Ribbon for WinForms – Yes you can…