Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Reflector for .NET - Lutz Roeder's Programming.NET C# .NET VB .NET CLR

Lutz Roeder's Programming.NET C# .NET VB .NET CLR

"Reflector is a class browser, decompiler and XML documentation browser for .NET components (assemblies). It features assembly and namespace views, type and member search, reference search, IL disassembler, C# decompiler, VB decompiler, C# XML documentation viewer, MSDN help viewer, dependency trees, supertype/subtype hierarchies and resource viewers. Function prototypes are displayed in C# and VB syntax. "

Ok.. I'm sold... Reflector really is pretty darn cool!

I've seen a number of people talk about it, but I didn't have the cycles to check it out. Well today was the day, and all I can say is... "Wow".

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