Thursday, September 16, 2004

Windows System and Desktop HeapMemory Issues...

Seems like heap memory issues have been highlighted for me recently...

Last week I read this in the Oct MSDN Mag:
Web Q&A
"Q. Is there a limit on the number of Internet Explorer windows that can be open at one time? If I open about 30, Internet Explorer starts to behave strangely.

A. You may be low on desktop heap memory, a setting that you can double on most desktops that allows you to open more Internet Explorer sessions, as shown here:


See Knowledge Base articles 126962 ("Out of Memory Error Message Appears When You Have a Large Number of Programs Running") and 184802 ("PRB: User32.dll or Kernel32.dll Fails to Initialize") for related issues."

I have a series of systems where I get weird out of memory errors, but my apps are not leaking (that I can tell). But these apps DO spawn a lot of processes and to talk to the local WMI and print spooler a great deal... So I'm thinking I need to look at these KB articles...

Then at work we run into a problem with one of the third party systems we run. We were having "connection" limit problems. After pushing back to the vendor, their response was that we/the service were running into system heap issues (i.e. running out of resources). And to increase the value...

They pointed us to this MS KB article, "Overcoming User32.dll Initialization Failure Errors" to increase the system heap resources.

I thought it a little interesting that two different heap issues have come up recently. Guess it's time to look at and into the different heaps a little more.

[additional jokes and comments about "heap" deleted] :|

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