Wednesday, February 23, 2005

DotLucene: Full-Text Search for Your Intranet or Website using 37 Lines of Code

The Code Project - DotLucene: Full-Text Search for Your Intranet or Website using 37 Lines of Code - C# Programming

"Can be a full-text search coded on 37 lines? Well, I am going to cheat a bit and use DotLucene for the dirty work. DotLucene is a .NET port of Jakarta Lucene search engine maintained by George Aroush et al. Here is a quick list of features:

It can be used in ASP.NET, WinForms or console applications.
Very good performance
Ranked search results
Search query highlighting in results
Searches structured and unstructured data
Metadata searching (query by date, search custom fields...)
Index size approximately 30% of the indexed text
Can store also full indexed documents
Pure managed .NET in a single assembly (244 kB)
Very friendly licensing (Apache Software License 2.0)
Localizable (support for Brazilian, Czech, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, Japanese, Korean and Russian included)
Extensible (source code included) ..."

I've blogged about DotLucene before... One of the issues with it can be its learning curve. This article will help you a great deal on that curve.

It makes it look easy to use DotLucene (and makes me feel like a dummy for thinking there's a curve.. sigh)

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