Tuesday, February 01, 2005

PrivBar -- An IE/Explorer toolbar to show current privilege level

PrivBar -- An IE/Explorer toolbar to show current privilege level

"I've long wanted a way to know at a glance whether I am logged in as a member of the all-powerful Administrators group, the slightly less-powerful Power Users group, or as an ordinary User. The more I use RunAs (including with Explorer)and MakeMeAdmin, the more I need to be able to distinguish privilege levels of various apps on my desktop. Someday I might try to come up with a robust way to do this for all windows on my desktop. For now, I've got PrivBar.

PrivBar is a toolbar for Explorer and Internet Explorer that shows you broadly at what privilege level that particular instance is running. ..."

A cool IE toolbar that shows you the basic privilege level of IE's user context (i.e. if the launching user is in the local admin, power users or users group.

A nice companion if your on the "Run IE as a normal user" ride...

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