Monday, December 05, 2005

GreatNews - RSS Reader

GreatNews: The Intelligent RSS Reader

Have I found my Windows RSS client finally? Like many RSS readers, I keep my eyes open for a "new, better, cheaper, strong and faster" client...

To date, I've been using my fav, Bloglines. But I'm always open to trying new things...

I just read Ryan Farley's post about GreatNews and it sounded interesting, so I'm giving it a try. Best of all it sync's with Bloglines, so I can continue to use either the Web UI or GreatNews.

So far so good. It took a bit to figure out how to get it to sync to Bloglines (right click on a Channel, like the All News Channels, select "Add", then "Bloglines Sync Channels"), but once there, it pretty quickly downloaded all my feeds and polled to get all the unread feeds. Unread based on my last reading on Bloglines...

GreatNews has a newspaper type reading pane, which is one thing of many, I liked about Bloglines. You can read/view/scan/etc an entire folder/group in a single pass. Or you can go from feed to feed. Or post to post...

The one thing I don't like is the keyboard shortcuts are not user configurable. I want to be able to override the existing ones. Oh well...

In any case, it feels like the best of the Bloglines reading UI but with the power of a full client app.

We'll see in a week if I'm still using it... ;)

(via { public virtual blog; } - New RSS Reader - Hello GreatNews)

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