Thursday, December 15, 2005

Upcoming Content Changes to MSDN Subscriptions

Subscriptions Home: Upcoming Content Changes to MSDN Subscriptions

"Products containing MSJVM to be removed from MSDN Subscriptions:
Microsoft Application Center 2000
Microsoft BizTalk Server 2000
Microsoft Commerce Server 2000
Microsoft Commerce Server 2000 Resource Kit
Microsoft DCOM for Windows 95 v1.1
Microsoft Embedded Visual Tools 3.0 (2002 Edition)
Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 & 2000
Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions
Microsoft Handheld PC 2000 SDK
Microsoft Infrared Communications for Windows 95 DDK
Microsoft ISA Server 2000
Microsoft Plus! 98
Microsoft Site Server 3.0
Microsoft Small Business Server 2000
Microsoft SNA Server 4.0 Service Packs 3 & Service Pack 4
Microsoft System Management Server 2.0
Microsoft Visual C++ (Alpha Systems)
Microsoft Visual FoxPro 6.0
Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 6.0c & 6.0d
Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0
Microsoft Windows 2000
Microsoft Windows 2000 DDK
Microsoft Windows 98
Microsoft Windows 98 DDK
Microsoft Windows CE SDKs & DDKs
Microsoft Windows CE Toolkit for Visual C++ 6.0
Microsoft Windows ME
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 DDK
System Stress for Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 & Windows 2000 "

Okay the list of stuff being removed from MSDN Subscription Download tomorrow (?) is broader than I thought. And broad enough to be too expensive to provide in a non-MSJVM versions of everything...

No matter the justification, it still feels like a forced upgrade move. I don't care if MS doesn't support VB6/Win2K, damn it I have to!

I think this is going to give MS a black eye in the near future when IT and Developers needing to support production solutions have no legal method of getting one of these products.

I wonder what the going price for old MSDN CD's will be on eBay in a few years?

Related Past Post XRef:
"Visual Studio 6.0 removed from MSDN [Subscriber] download on 12/16/2005"

(via Darryl Burling @ Work - MSDN Subscription - too many disks?)

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