Saturday, February 24, 2007

Reflector 5 Released

Scott Hanselman's Computer Zen - Reflector 5 Released - World Domination Assured

"Reflector 5 is out, and it is good. Go get it immediately, or just run your current version and go Help | Check for Updates.

What's the coolest new feature? Why, a custom "protocol handler" that will soon sweep the (.NET) blogosphere. Select any item in Reflector and press Ctrl-Alt-C to copy the code:// URI for that item. Like this:

Click here if you have Reflector 5 to navigate to this method: code://System.Xml/System.Xml.XmlNameTable/Add


One of the must have .Net development tools, Reflector, has just had a huge release...

This utility has helped me time and time again and is one of the first things I always install on every machine I develop on...

(via .Net Adventures  - Reflector 5 is available for download)

Related Past Post XRef:
Reflector 4.2 Released...
.NET Reflector Add-Ins
Reflector for .NET
Reflector for .NET - Lutz Roeder's Programming.NET C# .NET VB .NET CLR

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