Tuesday, May 22, 2007

CodePlex to support Subversion

you've been haacked - CodePlex To Roll Out TortoiseSVN Support

"This just in. CodePlex is planning to roll out TortoiseSVN support!

A little while ago I wrote a comparison of TFS vs Subversion for Open Source projects. I’ll spare you the suspense by telling you that Subversion wins hands down, primarily because it itself is open source and is designed with open source in mind.

It turned out that there was already a work item for SVN support and it was the highest vote getter. On Friday, Jim Newkirk commented within the work item that they are adding support for TortoiseSVN. ...


UPDATE: It looks like the CodePlex team has created a Subversion bridge to TFS. In other words, from the outside, it looks just like Subversion so you can connect using TortoiseSVN and SVN.exe, but under the hood, it is TFS. ...."

That is very cool.

While I'm not a big Subversion/TortoiseSVN/etc user, it's how Microsoft and the CodePlex team responded to their users that's so cool. And not being afraid to embrace/support something "so OSS" like Subversion.

I feel it shows a great commitment by MS to CodePlex and the OSS community. IMHO supporting a Subversion interface is a "hard right, over easy wrong" decision. The easy wrong would have been to blatantly/arrogantly ignore the request. An old MS might have done this (I hate to say this, but this is almost the expected MS stance, isn't it? Or it was in the past at least...). The hard right was to embrace the request and just make it happen. To understand their current and intended CodePlex audience and do what I feel was the right thing.

Good job guys...

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