Thursday, January 31, 2008

StickyNotes for VS2008

MSDN Code Gallery - StickyNotes

"StickyNotes is a Visual Studio package that provides sticky notes capabilities to project and project items inside Visual Studio 2008.




pga weblog - StickyNotes at MSDN Code Gallery


The UI is based on WPF and it mimics the iphone Notes application.

This sample shows many VSX assets like:

  • Hosting a WPF toolwindow
  • Selection events
  • ProjectDocument events
  • ProjectItem events
  • RDT events
  • Project persistence


Interesting. The cool thing is that the StickyNote data is embedded into the Proj file, so it gets checked into TFS, etc. The bad news is that there's currently a path dependency issue. So if two people store their projects in different paths, the StickyNotes may not appear (which has already been reported...).

Still I think this is a pretty darn cool example of VS Extensibility and I dig how WPF was used.

Source is supposed to be coming later this week...

(via VSX Team Blog - StickyNotes available for Visual Studio 2008 on new MSDN Code Gallery)

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