Friday, July 11, 2008

IndyMac’ers – How can I help?

I know some old friends from IndyMac sometime read my blog... If you need some help, references, support, shoulder to cry on, etc, please feel free to contact me… Email me, or call me at home (I’m still in the same place as when I worked there…plus I’m in the book).

For the rest of you reading this who haven’t heard, this link pretty much says it all. In short, IndyMac has “failed” and been taken over by the FDIC. This is the second largest bank failure in US history…

Say what you will about the management, regulators, government, etc, I don’t care. I care about the people I know there, people who worked there for years and how are now in a very ugly world of uncertainty and doubt.

I lived through Andersen’s collapse (which is a long story, having been closer to that issue, not directly but via a tangent, than I ever really want to think about… ) and it’s pretty damn scary place to be.

Again, please my friends, contact me and let me know if I can help…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A great place to share you Indymac story. We have people all over the country sharing their experience with Indymac Federal bank.